


Race_Traitor_Teacher said:

this is pretty much the only way i passed any of my college courses lmao
them shite teachers love them some dumb blackie throat <3

If I was them, I'd make sure you become highly skilled at blowing white cock, else THEN I'd fail you.

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    DaddyTarkus said:

    Calling her a good girl and cuddling her during the day ~
    At night she gets pinned down, stretched out and called a good little dumb Asian whore while she begs for more ~
    Asians are the best girls to make xour own ~

    Nothing but facts brother

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    Thickness of a black female's thighs and butt are not only signaling about her fertility and capability of birthing strong White kids, but also serving as a thirst object for said female's White breeder. I would kill for a chance of eating up that massive booty (imo)...

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    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb


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    Whitebull0 said:

    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb

    Make sure it’s only mixed race daughters you have and you marry them off to white men so the bleaching continues. Abort mixed race sons.


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    You can say we got one good thing out of that terrible game: Pax's fat and white cock craving ass.

    Also, Pax was right, she is the new porn.

    But enough about Dustborn... Just saying the name makes the rhythm game section come back to haunt me.

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