


alexander said:

I remember a hentaicaption with this picture, it was really hot but i think it was deleted since i haven't seen it in a couple years now and i didn't download it like a dumbass

I think I know which one you're talking about, sadly the guy who made it was banned and his stuff deleted with it.

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    As soon as she saw us, she immediately kneeled down and begged to be allowed to worship us ~ even famous asian girls like her are just worthless bwc-addicted chinks, craving to be claimed and praised by white men for serving them ~

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    The only reason this wouldn't solve my problems is because I love to win at anything, however I wouldn't turn down being pounded by BWC

    Eh, everyone has their breaking point the way I see it and can have their minds change eventually under enough convincing 😏

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    JohnleWhite said:

    Imagine if every arguments was a rough fucking session and the white guy always come on top 😂

    Well ofc the white guy is gonna come out on top, hard to argue when you're being dominated so hard by a strong man

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    HungWhiteFembull said:

    Elegant bitches like this make the perfect sets of holes for nazi's. Eager to please, eager to serve!~
    And all but willing to stomp a few niggers' heads along the way.

    i know a few inferiors to point her to ^^ (my husbands one of em)

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    Beautiful Italian fleet queens, but I think the blackout tattoos are jarring and out of place, especially the leg ones and the fact they're runes on Roma, bit of a stretch theme wise and the repeating pattern hurts to look at a little. Impero's tattoo of all her white babies is really really sweet and adorable.

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