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Beautiful art. I love those earrings she wear it's such beautiful detail. Her lovely body is just ideal, long blonde hair are just so hot. I wish more White woman would understand how important it is to be proud of your own White race.

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    This will be the average "middle eastern" girl after four generations or so of Israeli occupations <3 of course she'll still "Believe" in her backwards culture and prehistoric made up religion to be better fetish material for white Israeli and American men who have desert fever~

    (the user of this account has no political or racial statements to make, just an arab girl with a very specific kink)

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    MossadOwnedRaghead said:

    This will be the average "middle eastern" girl after four generations or so of Israeli occupations <3 of course she'll still "Believe" in her backwards culture and prehistoric made up religion to be better fetish material for white Israeli and American men who have desert fever~

    (the user of this account has no political or racial statements to make, just an arab girl with a very specific kink)

    It was the average before the great wars. Make Anatolia Bright Again~

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