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breedmydaughter said:

Should a white dad who bred an asian whore be raising his mixed white-asian daughter like a white girl, or should he be passing her around amongst his white friends like her asian whore mother, until one of them impregnates her, bleaching her impure ancestry another generation further?

She'll never be white. Use the little mutt like the cock sleeve her asian genes made her be.

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    lolibreak said:

    She'll never be white. Use the little mutt like the cock sleeve her asian genes made her be.

    I tend to agree. I think the father should treat his daughter like her BWC owned mother: regularly sharing her pussy amongst white friends/strangers like a cheap commodity so that she understands her lowly position relative to them, growing to worship them and their cocks and think of little more than getting bred by them, with the hopes for her tainted genetics amongst her children to be further purified by white seed, happy and yearning even to guzzle on the contents of their bladder and feel honored by it and thankful for the chance to be a toilet for white men and drink of their warm waste fluids of which she has been raised to hold precious.


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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    Maybe I should show this to my chink parents when they ask me why only date white guys~ My ricedick dad will probably get mad at me but my chink mom will definitely understand <3

    Your mother will probably ask you if you have any white boys you can introduce her to.

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    Fat is not an insult y'know? Some of us love to be reminded of our jiggling assets while a BWC is balls deep in our ass and about to cum.. lol

    Well, it's not the same for everyone (meaning women that are offended by it sometimes). I agree with you about the big body's beauty, as I said, quite a fan... didn't said anything against it

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