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KoreanFemboy said:

Can someone compare sizes with me so my wife can see that I am small compared to superior whites?

Big update! My beautiful, white fiance realized my secret kink of wanting bwc to fuck my ass and actually invited a few friends that she trusted. 4 were gay and 1 guy was bi, so I was used as a human condom and was allowed to "fuck" my fiance (she only wants my cock in her sadly), but my movements were controlled by bwc~

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    KoreanFemboy said:

    Big update! My beautiful, white fiance realized my secret kink of wanting bwc to fuck my ass and actually invited a few friends that she trusted. 4 were gay and 1 guy was bi, so I was used as a human condom and was allowed to "fuck" my fiance (she only wants my cock in her sadly), but my movements were controlled by bwc~

    nice man

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    Cinderella but very edgy

    I mean come on, ol' girl is obsessed with "perfection" and "beauty". Is it really such a stretch to think she'd be interested in eugenics?

    Good point. Would love to see how she enforces her beliefs :3

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    the_polbwcV2 said:

    Good point. Would love to see how she enforces her beliefs :3

    I believe we have seen her capabilities when she was Anachiro... It'd be the most beautiful thing to see her use her abilities for the good of our future!

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    UsernamesAreOutdated said:

    Looking at other artists, i realize how fucking bad i am... Woomler is goated tho

    Same I saw another account on insta doing a drawing every day until I'm good thing and like it's clear they were born with talent and I just suck at it

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    My mom was the only one who had even a REMOTE chance to come up with some eugenic experiment that could allow us non-whites to compete against the superior Aryan Race! They were smarter, faster, stronger, and just plain better than us in every way!

    ... You can imagine my shock when I come home and her belly is so stuffed by a white kid's cum that she looks pregnant with quintuplets!... Unfortunately I inherited her big ass, so I was next on the chopping block.

    With the New World Order in place, me and my mom are happy slaves for our young white massa!

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