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SelfmadeEgg said:

It's actually seems like R1b is more british and celtic, since a lot of people in their areas have it. (bashkirs have a lot of it too).
R1a is real eastern european haplogroup.

What ur talking about, even armenians have r1b

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    Just_Erika said:

    It's just a very weird kink for me to be honest, I don't have that world view but if people judge me for it I can understand and well so be it, damn i have black friends how say "it kinda hot" so yeah, I don't blame people who don't like it

    Amazing work 🤩🙏🏼 keep making marvelous content

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    ZombiBoi said:

    Anyone know the different holy orders they're from?

    From left to right: first one seems to be made up as I can't find a source for it (though it could be an over-symplification of Calatrava or Alcántara to the point where it almost doesn't even look like it but it's the closest I can think of); maybe could even be based not on a templar symbol but a celtic cross I believe, second one should be Knight's Hospitaller though normally the cross would be white on a black background, and finally the one at the upmost right is the most "standard" symbol of the templar's order which is just taking the Teutonic cross and making it red like the cross from the Knight's Templar which had that red color but not the shape, as it's more of a regular cross like the Red Cross.

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    SnowskinWarrior said:

    From left to right: first one seems to be made up as I can't find a source for it (though it could be an over-symplification of Calatrava or Alcántara to the point where it almost doesn't even look like it but it's the closest I can think of); maybe could even be based not on a templar symbol but a celtic cross I believe, second one should be Knight's Hospitaller though normally the cross would be white on a black background, and finally the one at the upmost right is the most "standard" symbol of the templar's order which is just taking the Teutonic cross and making it red like the cross from the Knight's Templar which had that red color but not the shape, as it's more of a regular cross like the Red Cross.

    Oh thank you for that. Much appreciated. I thought those two looked familiar and the one on the left looked made up. I found this cool knights of Malta(Hospitaller/ of St.John) pic

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    Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

    Right her weakness used to be that she lost all power when shackled by a man! WTF did dc mean by this?

    just a quirk of her original writers story (this was back in the first half of the 1900s, if i remember correctly)

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    Whitebull0 said:

    just a quirk of her original writers story (this was back in the first half of the 1900s, if i remember correctly)

    Thankfully (or regrettably, whatever your kink may be) the multiverse has been reset enough times for that to no longer be a factor

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    I will not degrade white woman,even in maried life. I will breed her and make her cum every fucking day. But a nigger or sandnigger... FUCK YES !
    Je ne dégraderais pas une femme blanche, même marié. Je la mettrais enceinte et la ferais jouir tous les putains de jours. Mais une negresse ou une bougnoule... PUTAIN OUAIS !

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