
Could the BLEACHED community have a site like "" but for white men?

Posted under General

You guy's are whining about degeneracy and Nazi's on a hyper specific fetish booru.
Look at what's said on the bottom of the screen "The images and comments posted here are erotic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
You are the fool
Get a grip

the_polbwcV2 said:

First off, just because lolicon exists on other sites doesnt mean we should allow it on here too. If someone wants loli, then they can fuck off to pixiv or r34.
And yeah i do need to agree that bleachbooru bettered itself in terms of death threats.

My point was since lolicon exists in other sites, it cant be a reason to explain bleach being fringe or not. And i dont see any issue with how the current rules are on it regardless, as this is a fetish site the rules are reasonable. If this was some political party discord, then sure the rules should be more formal, but it is not.

Also with far-right groups i dont mean some small village in the middle of nowhere in the former dixie state that burn crosses yearly, i meant groups like Combat-18. Groups that actively are planning terrorist attacks. C-18 Section Switzerland is active, so thats why its such a problem for me. In other countries its the same story, Germanys "brown" lower-saxony is a csespool for thes groups (Saying "brown" in context with a group , county , country or person in a german context is usually associated with far-right extremist intentions. Comes from the german Brownshirts from the 30s.)
My main problem is that it happens here, even if we dont know it. And thats one point that were so unpopulare.

I don't know what the deal with Switzerland is since i dont live there, but judging by the statistics, it's like the safest European country, so i see no issue there. France, UK, etc have had far more terror attacks.

Germany has more political prisoners per capita than china does, so they have no right to complain about the right when most of it is illegal. Maybe stop persecuting groups then you will have less extremism. if people can't speak ,then extremism is the only option.

And as an American, our right wing extremist groups are just feds and autists. None of them actually do anything. They just exist to attract autistic people to be arrested. The people that have done things are lone wolf shooters that aren't tied to any group.

Also, saying hitler wasnt as bad as 99% of modern politicians is one of the most retarded things ive ever heard someone saying.
I can say to you, just bc there are some corrupt FUCKS that nested themselves into our goverments, doesnt mean that the whole goverment is fucked up.
I am a passionate fucking history nerd (focusing more on modern history aka 60s-00s) i can confidently say that there were only a few people that were just close as Hitler. You should be fucking happy your problem is corrupt officials. Be thankfull that youre under a humane goverment and dont need to fear about being wiped out of existence. You should be happy you can even say this fucking shit. Hitlers Gestapo would send you to a KZ while Stalins soviet Union would sentence you to death by working in one of the freezing gulags.
In the warsaw pact states you would either be imprisoned or be executed. You would be erased in China. Youre gonna end up in one of the killing fields in pol pot's cambodia. In both koreas you would loose your head. Indonesias genocidal regime would just let you experience the same fate as millions before you. To this day in the middle east, one wrong word and youre getting tortured, if even your goverment exists. You would just be one of the thousands lost souls that emerged from the dictatorships in brazil, chile and argentinia.

What im saying is, no level of corruption in our goverments, no amount of "brainwashing" our media may cause, no amount of cancellation on the braindead bird app and no amount of crying on how youre living in a shitty state will every get you to the same FUCKING fate millions of people experience before you.
The fact that these are our "modern problems" is just a sign that we live in one of the best times in human history.

Im writng this long-ass romane because youre the 5th fucking person that says something close to this, 5th this week, 22th this fucking month. Im going FUCKING INSANE

Hold on there buddy, i never said anything about communist regime. I said Hitler. And yes, i agree, and that is the reason hitler is less worse than 99% of our politicians, because they are all satanic or degenerate communists. And like all communists their targets for oppression and destroying are their own people. With Hitler at least his evil and oppression was limited to a small percent of the population, and he actually improved the lives of the majority of his country (the whole it's for the greater good type of evil). Our politicians aren't even on the level of evil as doing evil "for the greater good" They literally do "the greater evil" instead. They want to destroy their own people and humiliate them until there is nothing left of them and laugh about it while doing it. Like that's the whole joke with nazis, "at least they made the trains run on time" (among improving other things in the country), our politicians dont even get to that level, they purposely destroy the trains instead. Everyone besides the top 1% are worse off now than they were in the past in western countries, where as in nazi germany everyone but like 2% of the people were better off than they were in the weimar germany. And every thing else you can accuse the nazis of, our politicians and rulers do but worse. Oh the nazis burned some books about child sex and other CP? well our politicians will literally burn doctor Seuss book or other far less scandalous book. Oh the nazis arrested some people for speech? well our politicians will literally arrest you for jokes, which not even the nazis would do. In fact, there was the exact same case in the nazi regimine as the UK and the nazis didnt convict the guy while the UK did. That count dankula dude who trained his dog to do a nazi salute. He got convicted where as the guy in the nazi regime who did the same thing was found innocent because "it was just a joke"


the_polbwcV2 said:

To add something to this discussion, im gonna braindump now my opinion and ideas:

We have many problems on this site and generally as a bleached community. I agree with „BWC knight“ that bleached doesnt know where it wants to go. I also agree with others that the facist part of our community is the main turn off for many outside of our fetish/kink.
Bleached is often associated with full of nazism and facism. Thats one of the reason r34 is bias towards us. We have the problem that we are relatively new, and the blacked kink is way older than us. I dont say people didnt had any bleached releated kinks before, but the concept with a community of people that have the same fetish didnt exist untill a few years ago.

One of the reason were still looked as a bunch of nazis is because we dont have a lot, but theyre the loudest here.
I also think many people here just are attracted to the opposite of blacked. This kinda gets ruined by Nazis and Degens on this site.
Nazis and Facists here are the reason many just „GTFO“ if they learm about bleach and bleachbooru.

One more problem of bleachbooru is, we have ticking
The pedophiles here are eventually gonna lead to us being fucked by the feds or just taken down.
And no, im not gonna call anything Loli or Shota, its straight up pedophilia. If you say its Loli/shota, you are either a closeted pedo, a open pedo or a dumb fuck.
THANK GOD people dont know about our pedo degens. IF THEY WOULD KNOW WE WOULDNT EXIST!

So for me, these are the Three problems with our Bleached community.

1) We dont know what we want to do or represent.

2) Bleached is less accepted in the general public (or just that part pf the internet that’s exclusively for porn). If we say we like bleached, then we are either racist or are nazis, even if were just bleached in our bedrooms.

3) We have fucking pedophiles. If people are gonna find out, WE ALL ARE FUXKED!

Now, i have some ideas for this its and the community in general.
[These are just random proposals i just thought about and/or had a long time in my head. Im not saying we need or can do it. I just want to braindump some shit.]

1) The easiest thing is to completely ban pedophilia. Aka no loli and no shota. Or atleast stronger moderate this part. Theres litteraly a post (that got flagged many times) thats still up and its about a 12 y.o minor.
We should not allow this Degeneracy on this site. Its even worse than the facist or nazis here. This should even be a fucking discussion.

2) Stronger moderate the Nazis/facists here. Its not about completely banning facists or Nazis. It doesnt hurt anyone if youre getting turned on by saying „sieg heil“ and doing the Hitlergruss. Im not lying if i say its pretty fucking weird tho, but you hurt nobody and thats alright.
Im not saying we should ban it like with the loli/pedo part, but we should moderate it more and add the themes „facism/nazism“ to the general blacklist. We should draw a line between (ok/kinda eh/just cringe or weird/ fucked up). Like with a small list on stuff what we all can consider is weird but ok.

Something like this:

[Doesnt hurt anyone]
-Saying Sieg Heil (togheter with Hitlergruss)
-Dress characters in nazi uniforms
-Naziplay (aka porn set in the third reich, a fourth reich theme ect.)

[Is fucked up but kinda allowed]
-Open hate towards minorities (not death threats)
-Talking about Nazism (if you get turned on then i dont judge)
-Talking about other raced in a degrading way. (Also happens on blackbooru)
-Porn about harming people other Races/Religions (IT SHOULD BE LIGHT AND NOT KILLING THEM)

[Is fucked up and shouod be banned]
-Porn depicting open Torture of People other races
-Discussions about ending races irl (to put it in a light way)
-Death threats to people other race (as if a brown boy is here to only enjoy his fetish then he shall not be attacked if he doesnt want it)
-Hardcore Nazism (Fetishization about war crimes, hate crimes, massacres and glorification of prominent Nazis or facist like for eg. Hitler, Göring , Himmler or Dönitz.
-Fetishization of Facist groups that arent Nazis but affialiated with neo nazis/ hardcore alr-right.
These are just examples and i dont think it would be easy to categorize these stuff. Its just a braindump and a fast-made template.

These are only 2 ideas, but im sure many people have more. The fact is we need to change. There are many people that just use this site casually. There are many more people that have a bleached kink/prefer only white men but they cant express it bc we are associated with degens and nazis.

Its just a bit of braindump i just did in the morning.
Hopefully mine shit doesnt get un-noticed

Thank you for putting so much thought into my troubles. I sincerely appreciate this.

But honestly, what I personally want bleached to be is just blacked but the race swaps, nothing more, nothing less. Just a space where white cocks are desired by non-whites, and we pleasure brown/black women, and women in general, while their men acknowledge that we have that sexual conquest. I don't really want anything beyond that. Of course, that's just my vote, I realize I can't force it onto others. It's just, there is NO space where that is the case. I want an environment that also gives the possibilities of meet ups in person between white domiants and black subs, especially white bulls to please black girlfriends. Like, blacked is trying to expand beyond a weird internet fetish into an entire sexual subculture, and in my opinion we HAVE to fight that shit and expand ourselves. It's really toxic for one race to have established sterotypical sex roles the way they do. That's not just lame, it's bad for racial relations in the world.

Would you support a site like the one i'm describing? I need help..

the_polbwcV2 said:

First off, just because lolicon exists on other sites doesnt mean we should allow it on here too. If someone wants loli, then they can fuck off to pixiv or r34.
And yeah i do need to agree that bleachbooru bettered itself in terms of death threats.

Also with far-right groups i dont mean some small village in the middle of nowhere in the former dixie state that burn crosses yearly, i meant groups like Combat-18. Groups that actively are planning terrorist attacks. C-18 Section Switzerland is active, so thats why its such a problem for me. In other countries its the same story, Germanys "brown" lower-saxony is a csespool for thes groups (Saying "brown" in context with a group , county , country or person in a german context is usually associated with far-right extremist intentions. Comes from the german Brownshirts from the 30s.)
My main problem is that it happens here, even if we dont know it. And thats one point that were so unpopulare.

Also, saying hitler wasnt as bad as 99% of modern politicians is one of the most retarded things ive ever heard someone saying.
I can say to you, just bc there are some corrupt FUCKS that nested themselves into our goverments, doesnt mean that the whole goverment is fucked up.
I am a passionate fucking history nerd (focusing more on modern history aka 60s-00s) i can confidently say that there were only a few people that were just close as Hitler. You should be fucking happy your problem is corrupt officials. Be thankfull that youre under a humane goverment and dont need to fear about being wiped out of existence. You should be happy you can even say this fucking shit. Hitlers Gestapo would send you to a KZ while Stalins soviet Union would sentence you to death by working in one of the freezing gulags.
In the warsaw pact states you would either be imprisoned or be executed. You would be erased in China. Youre gonna end up in one of the killing fields in pol pot's cambodia. In both koreas you would loose your head. Indonesias genocidal regime would just let you experience the same fate as millions before you. To this day in the middle east, one wrong word and youre getting tortured, if even your goverment exists. You would just be one of the thousands lost souls that emerged from the dictatorships in brazil, chile and argentinia.

What im saying is, no level of corruption in our goverments, no amount of "brainwashing" our media may cause, no amount of cancellation on the braindead bird app and no amount of crying on how youre living in a shitty state will every get you to the same FUCKING fate millions of people experience before you.
The fact that these are our "modern problems" is just a sign that we live in one of the best times in human history.

Im writng this long-ass romane because youre the 5th fucking person that says something close to this, 5th this week, 22th this fucking month. Im going FUCKING INSANE

there's actually not any real white supremacy left in Dixieland. it's more in the rocky mountains these days.

BWC_Knight said:

Thank you for putting so much thought into my troubles. I sincerely appreciate this.

But honestly, what I personally want bleached to be is just blacked but the race swaps, nothing more, nothing less. Just a space where white cocks are desired by non-whites, and we pleasure brown/black women, and women in general, while their men acknowledge that we have that sexual conquest. I don't really want anything beyond that. Of course, that's just my vote, I realize I can't force it onto others. It's just, there is NO space where that is the case. I want an environment that also gives the possibilities of meet ups in person between white domiants and black subs, especially white bulls to please black girlfriends. Like, blacked is trying to expand beyond a weird internet fetish into an entire sexual subculture, and in my opinion we HAVE to fight that shit and expand ourselves. It's really toxic for one race to have established sterotypical sex roles the way they do. That's not just lame, it's bad for racial relations in the world.

Would you support a site like the one i'm describing? I need help..

You are right! We Have to fight for this!
Yes i want to help you

the_polbwcV2 said:

You are right! We Have to fight for this!
Yes i want to help you

Do you have any plans or ideas? The only thing I can think for us to do that doesn't cost money is opening up a discord server where everyone has to choose either the role of white bull, brown/ black cuck, or brown/black cuckoldress. But honestly, what we need is a SITE with this premise, and then a way to promote the site to females and white men who are actually alpha and have dick. Got any ideas bro?

BWC_Knight said:

Do you have any plans or ideas? The only thing I can think for us to do that doesn't cost money is opening up a discord server where everyone has to choose either the role of white bull, brown/ black cuck, or brown/black cuckoldress. But honestly, what we need is a SITE with this premise, and then a way to promote the site to females and white men who are actually alpha and have dick. Got any ideas bro?

Ideas, none.
But what i do have is the knowledge of programming (currently in school to get a IT-Degree) and i know how to make a website.
Bad news, it costs money.

the_polbwcV2 said:

Ideas, none.
But what i do have is the knowledge of programming (currently in school to get a IT-Degree) and i know how to make a website.
Bad news, it costs money.

How much does it cost? And, hypothetically, if we made this, how could we sell it to BWC thirsty brown/black girls, submissive cucked brown/black guys, and white guys with huge dicks such as ourselves?

BWC_Knight said:

How much does it cost? And, hypothetically, if we made this, how could we sell it to BWC thirsty brown/black girls, submissive cucked brown/black guys, and white guys with huge dicks such as ourselves?

So i dont wanna bore you with IT-shit but it wont be cheap.
The domaik name alone will be a monthly cost + Server costs. It depends on how many people we can get on the site. If its a small amount then a small server would be alright + backup + Somewhere where we can save all the info + front- /backend like ASW.

We of course can display ads on the site like on others to make some revenue to get thr server costs down but yeah.

Also, i dont really know how we can advertise for that to attract people. I think like we need to start small on here and on disc.

BWC_Knight said:

How much does it cost? And, hypothetically, if we made this, how could we sell it to BWC thirsty brown/black girls, submissive cucked brown/black guys, and white guys with huge dicks such as ourselves?

What do you even want. Just a dating site like wintr? just make that then.

fkiblaze said:

What do you even want. Just a dating site like wintr? just make that then.

What I want, plain and simple, is a site that supports an actual culture of white male sexual dominance, and sexual submission of other races. So, on cuck sites and "blacked" sites, you see ALL the time black guys like "i'm a bull hit me up if you're a couple" and actual disturbed white people (nearly all males, if not all males) respond. It's real. It's not just a place where they share anime images. I want us to ACTUALLY make it to where white guys can stunt on women of color and please them sexually while cucking other races, so to speak. Many white men wanna be sexually dominant in race play and feel like women of color CRAVE their BWC, however there just isn't a place to go for that. This site, for instance, is not that. There are virtually no real females here who would post a pic. Do you understand?

BWC_Knight said:

...and actual disturbed white people (nearly all males, if not all males) respond...

...This site, for instance, is not that. There are virtually no real females here who would post a pic. Do you understand?

Well you said it is mostly males responding in the blacked case too right? That's just how porn is, women are going to be the minority. This goes double when the fetish is some right wing adjacent thing since women are more leftwing, and even more so when the woman is more sexual liberal.

fkiblaze said:

Well you said it is mostly males responding in the blacked case too right? That's just how porn is, women are going to be the minority. This goes double when the fetish is some right wing adjacent thing since women are more leftwing, and even more so when the woman is more sexual liberal.

I understand, but if there are white dudes who wanna be cucked and have blacks sleep with their wife, then there are as many blacks who want white guys to fuck their wife. Fetishes are not unique to any race, porn just sterotypes and creates whole cultures around it. I'm saying we have to be the counterculture. Bleached isn't that tho, this site (and i'm not hating on it) is really just "Art with white males being sexuall dominant" even if that domination is over OTHER WHTIE MALES sometimes, which defeats the whole purpose. This site is a mess tbh. It has INFINITE rules and things you can get banned over, yet somehow is so chaotic.

Again, this is the BEST SITE we have for this, but that's not saying much. We need better.

Like dude, please answer me this: Don't you WANT to be able to log on and have messages from native women and latinas and brown and black girls BEGGING you you let them worship your BWC? We need a space like that

BWC_Knight said:

I understand, but if there are white dudes who wanna be cucked and have blacks sleep with their wife, then there are as many blacks who want white guys to fuck their wife.

Unlikely though. Why would you assume black people are the same way when all the data shows otherwise. White people are the only race that have an out group bias. Black people are one of the most in group biased races there is. Which is why you see with white people they can be 50% against anti-white, pro-black policies, but with black people 95% will be pro-black, and 95% of black women will vote democrat. Im sure the cultural push is part of it, but that isn't somethign we change as it's part of the mainstream push by the elites, not us.

Like dude, please answer me this: Don't you WANT to be able to log on and have messages from native women and latinas and brown and black girls BEGGING you you let them worship your BWC? We need a space like that

I'm more interested in white or east asian women, but regardless that is besides the point. Guys would like women to have sex with them, so? That doesnt mean that is some reality you can make. You are like acting that we can change reality with another website. If you make another bleached site, it would probably have even less women than here, because a large portion of the women here are here for RP stuff, and that other site wouldnt have that. The best chance of getting what you want would be just making a dating site, and even then it you be less likely to get a woman than just going on tinder. Literally just go on tinder in a diverse city and that would be the best chance of getting what you want.

fkiblaze said:

Unlikely though. Why would you assume black people are the same way when all the data shows otherwise. White people are the only race that have an out group bias. Black people are one of the most in group biased races there is. Which is why you see with white people they can be 50% against anti-white, pro-black policies, but with black people 95% will be pro-black, and 95% of black women will vote democrat. Im sure the cultural push is part of it, but that isn't somethign we change as it's part of the mainstream push by the elites, not us.

I'm more interested in white or east asian women, but regardless that is besides the point. Guys would like women to have sex with them, so? That doesnt mean that is some reality you can make. You are like acting that we can change reality with another website. If you make another bleached site, it would probably have even less women than here, because a large portion of the women here are here for RP stuff, and that other site wouldnt have that. The best chance of getting what you want would be just making a dating site, and even then it you be less likely to get a woman than just going on tinder. Literally just go on tinder in a diverse city and that would be the best chance of getting what you want.

Of course I think we can "change reality". Reality is constantly ever changing, that's what time is. The reason why sites lke blacktowhite exist is because some people made them. I'm saying that someone needs to make the opposite. Do you have any idea how many women actually do fetishize europeans? I was on a discord server, and there were "pakistani sissies" who literally posted pics of their dicks locked up and saying they wanna watch white men with paki girls. Bro, it's not just whites that are like that; suggesting only we are weird is anti-white. We need to rise up and make this site a thing. Join me, pleadge your allegiance to the cause of creating a space where your giant white cock is thirsted for every time you logg in.

BWC_Knight said:

Of course I think we can "change reality". Reality is constantly ever changing, that's what time is.

Certain arbitrary aspects of culture change, but the reality that governs human nature does not. Women have always been the sexual bottleneck and that will always be the case, (unless artificial wombs are created or something.) So no you cant change that.

The reason why sites lke blacktowhite exist is because some people made them. I'm saying that someone needs to make the opposite. Do you have any idea how many women actually do fetishize europeans? I was on a discord server, and there were "pakistani sissies" who literally posted pics of their dicks locked up and saying they wanna watch white men with paki girls. Bro, it's not just whites that are like that; suggesting only we are weird is anti-white. We need to rise up and make this site a thing. Join me, pleadge your allegiance to the cause of creating a space where your giant white cock is thirsted for every time you logg in.

Well yea, there are exceptions to every rule, but as stated, there are also women on this booru, too. Your complaint is it's almost all men, and that is as i stated, you will find exception but the majority will be one way. Youre not going to find it in large proportions.

Mal said:

You guy's are whining about degeneracy and Nazi's on a hyper specific fetish booru.
Look at what's said on the bottom of the screen "The images and comments posted here are erotic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
You are the fool
Get a grip

Bleached is about possesiveness ( the tattoos and stuff ) Sexual superiority ( NTR & BWC ) & Most importantly inter-racial at heart, but overtime that's been tainted by a dedicated group of people who have a nazi fetish and latch onto bleached like a parasite to grow off of and people don't like it, plain and simple - literally everyone I RP with is only interested in the inversed blacked stuff and tries to block-out the facism/racism.

Quite a lot of people just want a white version of blacked but have a hard time getting the kink to spread because it's dragged down by shit like this all that's being fantasied about here is a more moderated site, one that doesn't allow for the same far-right bullshit and one that would allow the kink to spread in a space where it isn't surrounded by shit that would turn anyone trying to get into the fetish away

I think the most legitimate way this kink could spread is just comissioning art instead of having edits. The major reason bleached seems so censored on rule34 is because they don't allow edits and most people who don't like the kink because of whatever reason will report these low quality tattoo edits to get them removed, so the solution is very simple.

Commission Bleached art, have it uploaded to rule34 and then it will be unable to be taken down by angry leftists who don't like the fetish, rule34 has strict moderation against nazi/facism shit so there's no danger of the kink being tied down to questionable things - 3D is fine it's cheap and can be churned out faster but comissioning 2D art is the better solution - what you want to happen is for someone to find a high quality bleached pic, preferably an asian or african lady and get into the kink - looking up the tag and comissioning more art until eventually the bleached kink has the same notriroty as blacked - which at least on rule34xxx wouldn't be a difficult task, it only has 1000 posts making it a nieche enough tag on that site. Ask for queen of hearts tattoos in a lot of the commissions to make it our symbol and use all the same tags, be sure to target dark skinned or tan women so that there's no confusion as to what the fetish is about and if you really must comission light skinned anime girls make it clear to the artist you want them to be drawn in a way that makes them distinctly asian otherwise it just looks like the kink has nothing to do with inter-racial and really is just a white supremecist fetish the image we're trying very hard to avoid.

This future is possible, but not probable, whilst there are many willing to make edits there aren't many willing to create it themselves.

(Edit) Also one issue I forgot to mention is that bleached thus far is kind of limiting , there's a focus on white MEN but even in edits I don't find a white mistress toying around with their submissive asian or ebony and the futa aspect is near non existant - maybe it's pointless to bring up but the lack of accessibility is a bottle-neck, though I suspect with more original content this would go away over time.

BWCfutanari said:

Bleached is about possesiveness ( the tattoos and stuff ) Sexual superiority ( NTR & BWC ) & Most importantly inter-racial at heart, but overtime that's been tainted by a dedicated group of people who have a nazi fetish and latch onto bleached like a parasite to grow off of and people don't like it, plain and simple - literally everyone I RP with is only interested in the inversed blacked stuff and tries to block-out the facism/racism.

Quite a lot of people just want a white version of blacked but have a hard time getting the kink to spread because it's dragged down by shit like this all that's being fantasied about here is a more moderated site, one that doesn't allow for the same far-right bullshit and one that would allow the kink to spread in a space where it isn't surrounded by shit that would turn anyone trying to get into the fetish away

Bleached started off as a 4chan meme to counter blacked propaganda as far as i know, so it always have a politician tone. And regardless, interracial sexual superiority is highly political in itself. It's literally a base of politics, ie tribe vs tribe conquest. Blacked or bleached is literally the full expression of black or white supremacy ideologies. "my tribe gets the reproductive access, and defeats your tribe"

That said im sure many people that RP arent here for that stuff, im just saying that's how it started out.

BWCfutanari said:

(Edit) Also one issue I forgot to mention is that bleached thus far is kind of limiting , there's a focus on white MEN but even in edits I don't find a white mistress toying around with their submissive asian or ebony and the futa aspect is near non existant - maybe it's pointless to bring up but the lack of accessibility is a bottle-neck, though I suspect with more original content this would go away over time.

White women with non white men cant really be bleached just like how black women with white men is not blacked, because as i stated earlier, those fetishes are really an extension of the base instinct of man conquers other tribe and takes their women.

That said, i agree with the other stuff, yea commission stuff is the best way to spread it in the hentai community imo.

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