
Dark-skinned_femboy edits don't get approved

Posted under General

Simply put, I'm finding it hard to get dark-skinned_femboy porn edits approved by mods in comparison to regular light_skinned_male on dark_skinned_female edits. I've appealed my posts and still they do not get approved. The reason given have been nothing, I don't like it, or "poor quality". I try to make all of my posts good quality within reason, and I've had much worse quality straight edits approved, while having much better quality non-straight edits deleted. This seems to be a consistent regular problem with the mods on this booru. I personally am no longer going to be spending time making edits for this booru. I am interested to know what you all think down below.

Rloaiedits said:

Simply put, I'm finding it hard to get dark-skinned_femboy porn edits approved by mods in comparison to regular light_skinned_male on dark_skinned_female edits. I've appealed my posts and still they do not get approved. The reason given have been nothing, I don't like it, or "poor quality". I try to make all of my posts good quality within reason, and I've had much worse quality straight edits approved, while having much better quality non-straight edits deleted. This seems to be a consistent regular problem with the mods on this booru. I personally am no longer going to be spending time making edits for this booru. I am interested to know what you all think down below.

Really sad to hear, but it definitely is a problem. There's also the issue of other things not getting approved that I've noticed.

I've noticed a LOT of captions that don't get approved, either for the 'not approved in three days' or for 'low quality' reasons when there's far worse quality ones that are left alone. There's a pretty clear bias in whoever it is approving things, which is shitty since captions are one of my favourite things to see on here.

And when they constantly don't get approved and subsequently get deleted for spurious and absurd reasons it can really harm the motivation for people to make more. And as someone that really likes seeing new captions, that's a pretty shit situation.

Hope whatever jackass is fucking with captions and edits gets dropped or removed from their post, because constantly fucking over the people putting time into making decent edits and captions while shitty low-quality ones get approved is going to impact site quality in the longrun imo.

I don't know who the mods here are, but at least one of them has monumentally shit taste, and seems to just reject/unapprove anything that has a fetish they don't like, regardless of if it's bleached or not. Or if it's an artist they don't like. Instead of just following the sites rules.

TL;DR Sucks to hear you're giving up, but I'm not surprised considering how mods in the tags I watch tend to fuck up. Just looked at some of your edits and they're not bad at all imo.