
What's with the "God I wish that was me" women?

Posted under General

Can someone explain this trend of females on hentai sites like this one (among others) just commenting that phrase or its variation in the comments of normal sex pictures? Like do they have 0% self awareness or something or is it just attention seeking behavior? I seriously don't get it.

HarvestingSeason said:

A person gets horny. They want to be the person getting railed/doing the railing. They comment that they wish they were that person because that's something people do.

If you are/can do something normally people don't say "God i wish that was me". Like if you are in school and you like school, you don't say, "God i wish that was me" because that is you/can be you.

fkiblaze said:

Can someone explain this trend of females on hentai sites like this one (among others) just commenting that phrase or its variation in the comments of normal sex pictures? Like do they have 0% self awareness or something or is it just attention seeking behavior? I seriously don't get it.

It’s related to a deviant art meme about a fat guy saying that, I don’t remember that well desu

Uhhhhhh said:

It’s related to a deviant art meme about a fat guy saying that, I don’t remember that well desu

That's what i mean. I get the trope of the guy saying it, because that makes sense. The dude is an incel but wishes he can get laid. That doesn't make sense for women tho because there are no femcels, especially on this site.

fkiblaze said:

That's what i mean. I get the trope of the guy saying it, because that makes sense. The dude is an incel but wishes he can get laid. That doesn't make sense for women tho because there are no femcels, especially on this site.

Because it’s a joke my man.

fkiblaze said:

Can someone explain this trend of females on hentai sites like this one (among others) just commenting that phrase or its variation in the comments of normal sex pictures? Like do they have 0% self awareness or something or is it just attention seeking behavior? I seriously don't get it.

I cant agree more. It seems just about every post i favorite has one of these BWC obsessed girls posting "oMg i WiSh tHaT wErE mE!" Yet once they messsage you first (I still habe uet to figure out how to message people , these girls always message me first..) they jusy abandone the conversion. A day later you see them commw ting on your next favorite post about "oMg I wIsH tHat wErE mE, I neEd BWC!" ! ? Like, WTF?! These girls literaly have an army of Big White Cocks on this website and they literally ignore us in favor of commenting the same shit on every post that i favorite. Damn man do these broadz even understand what this site is primarily for? Are they just not of age so they dont get serious with replies? Or are they just self centered? Perhaps their porn addicted like us? Or maybe, just maybe, all of the above. Thanks for allowing me to cent my frustration a out this, it grindz my gearz to thunk these ❤️ Q girls really exist , but ironically dont really want to communicate with the White Men they claim to love so much.. I mean ive known girls who clearly had this preference but hid it as a secret. I mean, why? Why keep it a secret? Do these girls feel they will be ostracized if they openly adore white men? I mean youd rhink that the girls who come to this site would be interested in us White Men, I have everything they claim to want, yet face the same rejection here that i do in reality. How fuxking ironic is that?! They keep it a secret, yet come to sites like this. They have an army of us available, but refuse to pick one white man to make his dreams cone true. I donkt know, maybe ive been watching too much MDE, but femalez have royaly pissed me off. I mean look at the number of white men who are dying to protect the first world freedoms that they enjoy so much. We literally give them the greatest freedom women have ever know , and look how they waste it. This is not all females of course, just seemingly the vat majority. I keep telling myself ill find someone, but every time i do they seem to be jusy as normie as the last girl. Perhaps ive gone to far in this line of thought for one post, but if one thing is for sure, its that im not correcting any typos, my thumbs are way too big for this oversized phone.

HarvestingSeason said:

A person gets horny. They want to be the person getting railed/doing the railing. They comment that they wish they were that person because that's something people do.

Still honestly the best explanation. Like let horny people be horny, lol

HyperBubbleGumWitch said:

Still honestly the best explanation. Like let horny people be horny, lol

No, they can get their horny asses on my Big White Cock, white men come here for an escape, not for these women to bring their bullshit rejection here and ruin life for us even more. Why message me for BWC then ghost me? So i get my BWC rejected here too?! They can get the fuck off this website if they dont want BWC.

fkiblaze said:

Can someone explain this trend of females on hentai sites like this one (among others) just commenting that phrase or its variation in the comments of normal sex pictures? Like do they have 0% self awareness or something or is it just attention seeking behavior? I seriously don't get it.

Either they're just commenting on the picture like " god that looks hot, i wish I was being fucked like that " , which is a pretty normal comment for a poster to make you've probably seen a post or two where you've thought ' god i wanna fuck that bitch ' but not vocalised that thought OR they're fishing for RP partners, which explains why they'd leave and stop replying within like a day, either they're bad rpers and are desperate for partners or they're short-term rpers that only go until they've climaxed and then throw you away like a used condom

GreenEyezWhiteColonizer said:

I cant agree more. It seems just about every post i favorite has one of these BWC obsessed girls posting "oMg i WiSh tHaT wErE mE!" Yet once they messsage you first (I still habe uet to figure out how to message people , these girls always message me first..) they jusy abandone the conversion. A day later you see them commw ting on your next favorite post about "oMg I wIsH tHat wErE mE, I neEd BWC!" ! ? Like, WTF?! These girls literaly have an army of Big White Cocks on this website and they literally ignore us in favor of commenting the same shit on every post that i favorite. Damn man do these broadz even understand what this site is primarily for? Are they just not of age so they dont get serious with replies? Or are they just self centered? Perhaps their porn addicted like us? Or maybe, just maybe, all of the above. Thanks for allowing me to cent my frustration a out this, it grindz my gearz to thunk these ❤️ Q girls really exist , but ironically dont really want to communicate with the White Men they claim to love so much.. I mean ive known girls who clearly had this preference but hid it as a secret. I mean, why? Why keep it a secret? Do these girls feel they will be ostracized if they openly adore white men? I mean youd rhink that the girls who come to this site would be interested in us White Men, I have everything they claim to want, yet face the same rejection here that i do in reality. How fuxking ironic is that?! They keep it a secret, yet come to sites like this. They have an army of us available, but refuse to pick one white man to make his dreams cone true. I donkt know, maybe ive been watching too much MDE, but femalez have royaly pissed me off. I mean look at the number of white men who are dying to protect the first world freedoms that they enjoy so much. We literally give them the greatest freedom women have ever know , and look how they waste it. This is not all females of course, just seemingly the vat majority. I keep telling myself ill find someone, but every time i do they seem to be jusy as normie as the last girl. Perhaps ive gone to far in this line of thought for one post, but if one thing is for sure, its that im not correcting any typos, my thumbs are way too big for this oversized phone.

I mean like I half agree, minus the entitlement. Like I get why some girl might not like a specific man and stuff so quit talking to him, but if all they are doing is posting "oMg I wIsH tHat wErE mE, I neEd BWC!" like you said, does seem like vain attention seeking. There are hundreds of men on this site, and you hate all of them or something? hard to believe.

fkiblaze said:

Can someone explain this trend of females on hentai sites like this one (among others) just commenting that phrase or its variation in the comments of normal sex pictures? Like do they have 0% self awareness or something or is it just attention seeking behavior? I seriously don't get it.

1. most of these girls are not actively seeking sex offline, so it’s just a fantasy
2. it’s a meme
3. there is a huge difference between getting fucked and chatting with a dude on a site? I can be talking to someone all day long and that is not the equivalent of getting fucked
3. femcels are absolutely real, they’re the girls all you guys think are gross lol
4. why do dudes whine about not having enough women on the site but get mad (referring to posters above) when a woman comments a well known meme lol. while also being unable to comprehend a) some women wont be interested in you just like you aren’t into all women or b) that girls commenting on random posts might not necessarily be interested in RPing.

eugenicwife said:

1. most of these girls are not actively seeking sex offline, so it’s just a fantasy
2. it’s a meme
3. there is a huge difference between getting fucked and chatting with a dude on a site? I can be talking to someone all day long and that is not the equivalent of getting fucked
3. femcels are absolutely real, they’re the girls all you guys think are gross lol
4. why do dudes whine about not having enough women on the site but get mad (referring to posters above) when a woman comments a well known meme lol. while also being unable to comprehend a) some women wont be interested in you just like you aren’t into all women or b) that girls commenting on random posts might not necessarily be interested in RPing.

All of this is true except 3, a lot of guys here would hang with any woman into this. Some of the guys just need to get the other points first.

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