
Quality Control & Upload Feedback Thread

Posted under General

NigBreaker said:

Do the moderators even check this thread anymore?
Two of my posts are now deleted without a mod even checking them at all.

I would say always appeal if they timed out. Its better than nothing.

SissyVesyani said:

I would say always appeal if they timed out. Its better than nothing.

I have, and no one checked them anyway and they got banned for no approval in 24 hours again, this time I can't appeal because you can only appeal once per image.
Can't even try again with a new upload because obviously the site doesn't let you upload identical files.
At this point it seems like something's up because now I have 5 posts who never got looked at and another 6 still waiting that seemingly won't get looked at either.

Have the mods died?

Is there no way to appeal a post more than once? I've got pics that got deleted twice for not being checked in 3 days and no one seems to have even evaluated them, but I also can't reupload because the site doesn't accept identical uploads even if the first one was deleted.