
The Other White's

Posted under General

How come the main focus of the site (on the male side) is on Germans and Anglos, specifically Americans and Brits, how come we never see any Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Welsh, Australian, Afrikanner, Russian, or Cossaks on the site all that often some of these guys were the most prolific colonizers (far more than the Germans), but we rarely ever see them


Markman said:

How come the main focus of the site (on the male side) is on Germans and Anglos, specifically Americans and Brits, how come we never see any Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Welsh, Australian, Afrikanner, Russian, or Cossaks on the site all that often some of these guys were the most prolific colonizers (far more than the Germans), but we rarely ever see them

I'm french and do wonder the same thing. My conclusion: Americans are more perverted/racist than others XD

Germany is the obvious one for obvious reasons.

Britain because it was the largest empire in history and spanned every continent and every race.

America because its the current dominant superpower and largely white, and the countries its involved in are usually non-white.

Haydricht said:

Germany is the obvious one for obvious reasons.

Britain because it was the largest empire in history and spanned every continent and every race.

America because its the current dominant superpower and largely white, and the countries its involved in are usually non-white.

yea, but also because of the history of racism in a country. "anti-non-whites racism" wasnt really a thing in most european nations because none of them has histories of large groups of non-whites in their nations. America on the other hand has always been multracial.

fkiblaze said:

America on the other hand has always been multracial.

That’s not really true unless you’re counting the slaves as part of the country, and even then the ratio of black to white wasn’t comparable to today. America for the first third of its History (estimate) was fairly strict on its immigration. At the beginning even certain white countries were denied access like Slavs and Italians. There were probably exceptions though. Immigration policy eased up over time but America is by and far a fundamentally Anglo White country.

TheWhiteMan said:

That’s not really true unless you’re counting the slaves as part of the country, and even then the ratio of black to white wasn’t comparable to today. America for the first third of its History (estimate) was fairly strict on its immigration. At the beginning even certain white countries were denied access like Slavs and Italians. There were probably exceptions though. Immigration policy eased up over time but America is by and far a fundamentally Anglo White country.

I know about the immigration policies, but that is irrelevant cause we had 2 large non-white groups already. Natives and blacks. And also I'm pretty sure the proportion of blacks is smaller now, it's just the Hispanics have massively increased. Blacks use to be like 20%+ now they are 13%

Markman said:


>Counting as people

Why would we want frog fucking, we're here for bleached porn, not bestiality.

More seriously, it's because Germany/American/British is hotter from a kink standpoint, tbh. Germany because, well, obvious reasons. America because they're the biggest 'white country' in modern times. Britain because they're the standard 'Colonizing Power' people think of.

If you want other nationaility representation, though, well. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Markman said:

How come the main focus of the site (on the male side) is on Germans and Anglos, specifically Americans and Brits, how come we never see any Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Welsh, Australian, Afrikanner, Russian, or Cossaks on the site all that often some of these guys were the most prolific colonizers (far more than the Germans), but we rarely ever see them

Germanic people warlike and strong conquerors.
Britannia rules the waves... inherited Roman's manifest destiny, and philosophy to conquer all.
America been fighting since they hit the ground running, starting with the worlds former super power...twice.

They're the most popular so they'll get the most media.

America is the most racially diverse country on Earth but white men have historically been in control all the time, so its a logical fit.

Britain conquered a quarter of the world, self explanatory.

Germany had the Nazis, sweet uniforms and openly racialist.