
Non-white twinks/femboys (Why isn't there many?)

Posted under General

Hi. I'm a southeast asian twink and I am fustrasted there isn't as many non-white twinks who does raceplay kind of stuff. Like, on twitter theres so many fucking blacked white twinks its actually so infuriating. And the non-whites I see are also into it. I have a bleached twitter and only seen like 4 mutuals twink who are into it but they don't post face. I hope I change that though ugh. Just venting out my fustrations

itsoktobewhiteisback said:

If any non white person (girl or guy) made bleached porn they'd have an instant cult following, but they'll probably get some hate online. I'm hoping one of you guys gets on that soon.

I already make bleached content! Mostly in art and fanfictions ehe, oh and sometimes roleplay using my white dildos, I also include my face cus I ain't afraid of some digital footprint 😵‍💫

I used to see more than four non-White bleached femboys, twinks, and transexuals on Reddit, but that was two years ago. Every once awhile I masturbate to gay raceplay on PornHub. It’s nothing extreme. More like bleached and breeding. I guess there aren’t a lot of people into bleached because of the community. Women have said that the extreme interest in Nazis, lolis, White-only, and lack of male centered art is a turn off for them. Maybe it’s the same with the non-White LGBTQ community? This might be something you should ask your friends or acquaintances? Like some of the other non-White LGBTQ members on here.

It's simply a bi-product of the culture, in western ( I.E " White " ) nations where things are more laid back and progressive it's a lot easier to be open about your sexuality than lets say a more conversative part of the world like central & west Asia - even in western nations like the USA there's a chance you aren't free there lets say you're black, most black people in america are very religious and conversative and hate anything non-hetro with a passion.

I've met a lot of online femboys who are still ass deep in the closet irl because of where they come from.

IvoryFuta-II said:

It's simply a bi-product of the culture, in western ( I.E " White " ) nations where things are more laid back and progressive it's a lot easier to be open about your sexuality than lets say a more conversative part of the world like central & west Asia - even in western nations like the USA there's a chance you aren't free there lets say you're black, most black people in america are very religious and conversative and hate anything non-hetro with a passion.

I've met a lot of online femboys who are still ass deep in the closet irl because of where they come from.

It’s a shame they aren’t ass deep into us

Probably because there's so much blacked sissy content out there? Thinking back to my own sissy journey, when I first discovered it, there was so much content around submission to BBC. I never really questioned it until.....well one day I did and lo behold, BWC is so much better. As long as we're ramping up the content - we'll open the eyes of other non-white twinks to the pleasures of submitting to BWC.

SissyAlicia said:

Probably because there's so much blacked sissy content out there? Thinking back to my own sissy journey, when I first discovered it, there was so much content around submission to BBC. I never really questioned it until.....well one day I did and lo behold, BWC is so much better. As long as we're ramping up the content - we'll open the eyes of other non-white twinks to the pleasures of submitting to BWC.

Good boy. You’ll make your white daddy very happy some day

Well i guess if u think about it most cultures for non whites really focus on honor and a more traditional marriage and feminine men for most of those are looked down upon or litreally frowned upon to the point of a death sentence i speak from personal experience as a Middle Eastern femboy it’s literally impossible to practice Worshiping whites and trying to look more feminine. Althoe i do live in Europe specifically Finland which is more chill on the lgbtq subject and feminine men. But yea to sum it up those cultures and societies dont have the same standards or ideals as some white majority cultures and societies.

But serving a white man/women will always be every other sub human races duty 🤍♦️

ZombiBoi said:

They are scared to go against the grain, and be ostracized by their communities...White people are seen as the devil?

Yep this is the main reason tbh not alot of us femboy niggers but im kinda glad its that way

Pretty much because ethnic communities are very conservative, they're stuck by traditional gender norms (you know, macho man and feminine woman), that being ethnic and gay/trans gets you killed or beaten in some countries or areas in the West like the hood or if you're Catholic and Hispanic: your parents might tolerate you in the slightest but that tolerance will fade away eventually. The only way an ethnic can be openly gay is if they have a white or Jewish partner (not saying that as a bad thing but that's from what I've heard from reading stories of such. To be fair, I think WMXM is less fetishized too like with WMXF imo).

What's weird is that some ethnics deny any of this trans and gay stuff while we got RuPaul, SaucySantana, Lil Nas X -all famous ethnics and gay/trans-. They forgot that homosexuality/transexuality is not an exclusive race thing. Back in high school for me, there was some gay black dude who was out, loud, and proud.