
Thoughts on Project 2025

Posted under General

I mean, it feels very 25 points-ish. And by very I mean the exact same. Here are some quotes:

"the Secretary of Education should insist that the department serve parents and American ideals, not advocates whose message is that children
can choose their own sex, that America is “systemically racist,” that math itself
is racist, and that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideal of a colorblind society should
be rejected in favor of reinstating a color-conscious society."

"former acting assistant secretary
of policy at the Department of Labor Jonathan Berry writes that the department
and related agencies should pursue pro-family, pro-worker policies to help “restore
the family-supporting job as the centerpiece of the American economy,” in lieu of
the current Administration’s “left-wing social-engineering agenda”—“the most
assertive” in history—which empowers race, gender, and climate-change activists
at the expense of American workers."

"Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the
military. Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military
service, and the use of public monies for transgender surgeries or to
facilitate abortion for servicemembers should be ended"

"Eliminate Marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory
programs and abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion
offices and staff." in the military

It's interesting to say the least

I mean I like it, only problem is Trump is an incompetent buffoon who talks the talk but never walks the walk. To call him a fascist or a Nazi is an insult to fascism, as fascism requires technocracy to be successful, and MAGA is very anti-intellectual. The Nazis were insanely smart. Albert Speer had a 140 IQ, Hermann Goering had a 135 IQ, I think Karl Doenitz had the same score as Goering. Donald Trump just goes with what he sees on TV, and people like Marjorie Greene are even dumber than he is.

I would love to see someone intelligent and competent carry this plan out. I agree with this mostly, only things I disagree with:

>Banning transgenders from the military.
Obviously they should not serve in combat or field roles, nor should the military pay for surgery and such, but if they are able bodied to serve in non-combat roles, ie logistics or something, they should be allowed to serve. I think recruiting for non-combat roles overall should be relaxed, in my opinion, it does not make much sense for a forklift operator to have the same physical standards as an infantryman.

>Climate denialism
This one is probably gonna piss some people off, but I won't back down from believing climate change is real and dangerous, and its a losing battle for the right because even younger right-wingers are quietly anxious about it. The reality is that Donald Trump and most of these people who will be in his cabinet won't be alive in 10 years, but my family heritage says I probably have 70-ish years left in me. They could give a fuck what happens after their time. Furthermore, there is no pride to be had in destroying what God created for us. I don't agree with the nutcases like AOC and believe we need to ban all cars immediately, but its frustrating because there's no one left in the middle when it comes to climate change. Everyone is either "we must ban oil!" or "we need to pollute more!" with no in-between.

Also I'm not sure how well Trump or most Republicans would follow the "pro-worker" part of this. The GOP is still pretty anti-union, even if Trump did better with union workers overall compared to previous Republicans, that had been the trend for decades as social issues became more dominant than economic.

SecretNazi said:

I mean, it feels very 25 points-ish. And by very I mean the exact same. Here are some quotes:

"the Secretary of Education should insist that the department serve parents and American ideals, not advocates whose message is that children
can choose their own sex, that America is “systemically racist,” that math itself
is racist, and that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideal of a colorblind society should
be rejected in favor of reinstating a color-conscious society."

"former acting assistant secretary
of policy at the Department of Labor Jonathan Berry writes that the department
and related agencies should pursue pro-family, pro-worker policies to help “restore
the family-supporting job as the centerpiece of the American economy,” in lieu of
the current Administration’s “left-wing social-engineering agenda”—“the most
assertive” in history—which empowers race, gender, and climate-change activists
at the expense of American workers."

"Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the
military. Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military
service, and the use of public monies for transgender surgeries or to
facilitate abortion for servicemembers should be ended"

"Eliminate Marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory
programs and abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion
offices and staff." in the military

It's interesting to say the least

While it's a good ideal, it suffers the same issue as all those social attempts. The issue is the managerialism, just trying to change the rules of the managerialism wont fix it. If he wants to make education less leftist, he needs to promote homeschooling by making it so you don't need to pay taxes to public school if you homeschool. Also it's always funny when the right tries to adopt MLK when he was in reality a leftist socialist wokester. The one speech they reference about being colorblind wasn't even written by him, it was just a speech he read that his friend wrote.

Haydricht said:

>Climate denialism
This one is probably gonna piss some people off, but I won't back down from believing climate change is real and dangerous, and its a losing battle for the right because even younger right-wingers are quietly anxious about it. The reality is that Donald Trump and most of these people who will be in his cabinet won't be alive in 10 years, but my family heritage says I probably have 70-ish years left in me. They could give a fuck what happens after their time. Furthermore, there is no pride to be had in destroying what God created for us. I don't agree with the nutcases like AOC and believe we need to ban all cars immediately, but its frustrating because there's no one left in the middle when it comes to climate change. Everyone is either "we must ban oil!" or "we need to pollute more!" with no in-between.

I don't know any right winger besides you that is worried about climate change. Environmentalism? sure, like getting rid of plastic pollutions or protecting tree, cause that is conservation, but not "muh C02" stuff. C02 levels are extremely low in the history of earth, why does everyone forget about how they use to all tell us how "the reason the insects and plants were bigger when the dinosaurs were alive is cause of the higher C02." Now it's conveniently forgotten. And climate related deaths are at a historic low and continue to fall.

Also I'm not sure how well Trump or most Republicans would follow the "pro-worker" part of this. The GOP is still pretty anti-union, even if Trump did better with union workers overall compared to previous Republicans, that had been the trend for decades as social issues became more dominant than economic.

The democratic party at this point is the corporatists party. all the richest elites vote democrat and donate to them. It's not the 1970s anymore. The only pro-worker party are the MAGA branch of republicans.

fkiblaze said:

While it's a good ideal, it suffers the same issue as all those social attempts. The issue is the managerialism, just trying to change the rules of the managerialism wont fix it. If he wants to make education less leftist, he needs to promote homeschooling by making it so you don't need to pay taxes to public school if you homeschool. Also it's always funny when the right tries to adopt MLK when he was in reality a leftist socialist wokester. The one speech they reference about being colorblind wasn't even written by him, it was just a speech he read that his friend wrote.

I don't know any right winger besides you that is worried about climate change. Environmentalism? sure, like getting rid of plastic pollutions or protecting tree, cause that is conservation, but not "muh C02" stuff. C02 levels are extremely low in the history of earth, why does everyone forget about how they use to all tell us how "the reason the insects and plants were bigger when the dinosaurs were alive is cause of the higher C02." Now it's conveniently forgotten. And climate related deaths are at a historic low and continue to fall.

The democratic party at this point is the corporatists party. all the richest elites vote democrat and donate to them. It's not the 1970s anymore. The only pro-worker party are the MAGA branch of republicans.

Corporatism =/= supporting massive corporations

Oriflamme said:

Corporatism =/= supporting massive corporations

Ye. Corporatism is more like Italian Fascist third way. Corporatocracy is more in line with large scale Jewish corporations taking control of the government

fkiblaze said:

I don't know any right winger besides you that is worried about climate change. Environmentalism? sure, like getting rid of plastic pollutions or protecting tree, cause that is conservation, but not "muh C02" stuff. C02 levels are extremely low in the history of earth, why does everyone forget about how they use to all tell us how "the reason the insects and plants were bigger when the dinosaurs were alive is cause of the higher C02." Now it's conveniently forgotten. And climate related deaths are at a historic low and continue to fall.

If I'm the outlier or alone in this, then we may be more fucked than I previously assessed. No one can look at the recent weather patterns and say "Yeah, this is normal." Europe in particular has been getting shafted the past few years. The issue with saying "oh C02 was higher in the past," no humans were alive back then.

I'm not on the side of ban all cars and make everyone be vegan, I know that the Earth goes through cycles of heating and cooling which are driven by natural fluctuations in weather patterns, geothermal activity, and solar behavior, but we have certainly played a part. For example, I think a big part of 2023 being such a hot year was the combination of El Nino, the Sun having a very strong solar cycle (strongest in many decades), and CO2 accumulation. Many things can be true at once, but I do not know why so many people are opposed to modifying some technology to be less destructive overall. What would be the point of ruling the world if it is one giant wasteland?

The democratic party at this point is the corporatists party. all the richest elites vote democrat and donate to them. It's not the 1970s anymore. The only pro-worker party are the MAGA branch of republicans.

That's laughable. Trump talks a good talk but he rarely walks the walk. Neither parties give a fuck about working people. That is the plain reality. The entire system needs to be thrown out and rebuilt, top to bottom.