
What constitutes as 'Aryan'?

Posted under General

Genuinely want to know, I’m a white guy and I thought Aryan was basically just any European who was tall, blonde and blue eyed, but apparently there are exceptions or even the term Aryan is more inclusive funnily enough? Like someone who’s tall blue eyes but with dark hair can still be considered Aryan? And what’s with ‘honorary aryans’ too? I’m asking here because I don’t trust general consensus sources on anything anymore lol, and someone HERE has definitely got to know.

Aryan just means descendant of the Germanic peoples. Scandinavians and Northern Germans are considered the most racially pure since those areas are the original germanic settlements. Most of Europe is still considered Aryan due to Germanic tribes migrating, just not to the extent of the ideal blonde haired, blue eyed and tall pale stereotype we are familiar with. But Aryan nonetheless.

TallWhiteAndHung said:

Aryan just means descendant of the Germanic peoples. Scandinavians and Northern Germans are considered the most racially pure since those areas are the original germanic settlements. Most of Europe is still considered Aryan due to Germanic tribes migrating, just not to the extent of the ideal blonde haired, blue eyed and tall pale stereotype we are familiar with. But Aryan nonetheless.

So, say back in the times where Germans were still broken up tribes that were all over Northern Europe (back during the Roman Empire/Republic times) all of those Germanic peoples were essentially Aryan, as well as their descendants? But not the Gaulic tribes (like the Franks)?

And when/why did the association of blonde and blue eyes come from in terms of purity, if it’s mostly just racial stock purity? Aren’t those traits just fluke mutations that sometimes get passed down?

YellowFeverDream said:

Genuinely want to know, I’m a white guy and I thought Aryan was basically just any European who was tall, blonde and blue eyed, but apparently there are exceptions or even the term Aryan is more inclusive funnily enough? Like someone who’s tall blue eyes but with dark hair can still be considered Aryan? And what’s with ‘honorary aryans’ too? I’m asking here because I don’t trust general consensus sources on anything anymore lol, and someone HERE has definitely got to know.

Aryan--according to old Germanic maps--is all of Europe. Any white in Europe is Aryan. Some are more pure than others.

The reason why is because the three races on earth are subset into sub-races. The Caucasoid peoples are further divided to Aryan in Europe, Hamites in Northern Africa--think Egypt and Carthage--and the Semites in the Middle East. This is not to say that the Jews are white. They come from the Khazar people who are Mongoloid. Mongoloid is the general term for all other places other than Sub-Saharan Africa, which consists of the Negroid race.

Overtime the Hamites and the Semites were destroyed by Niggers and Sand Niggers, leaving only the European Aryans left

SecretNazi said:

Aryan--according to old Germanic maps--is all of Europe. Any white in Europe is Aryan. Some are more pure than others.

The reason why is because the three races on earth are subset into sub-races. The Caucasoid peoples are further divided to Aryan in Europe, Hamites in Northern Africa--think Egypt and Carthage--and the Semites in the Middle East. This is not to say that the Jews are white. They come from the Khazar people who are Mongoloid. Mongoloid is the general term for all other places other than Sub-Saharan Africa, which consists of the Negroid race.

Overtime the Hamites and the Semites were destroyed by Niggers and Sand Niggers, leaving only the European Aryans left

I’m still a little confused, so basically most if not all white people (caucasians) are Aryan? Then what’s the distinction, just some Aryans are more Aryan than others? I’m also getting mixed and conflicting information from pretty much all of you here. First guy said they went extinct and were originally from India, second guy said anyone with Germanic descent is Aryan, and now you’re telling me essentially all white people from Europe are aryan (which would include Mediterraneans I assume?)

As you can see, pinning down what the exact definition of Aryan is rather difficult. Probably because the closest thing we got to a proper definition was defined by madmen that got fat off glory, stolen loot, drugs, and more.

Just learn now that there is no real definition and role with whatever you want. Ideally you just don't believe in the whole Aryan thing.

YellowFeverDream said:

I’m still a little confused, so basically most if not all white people (caucasians) are Aryan? Then what’s the distinction, just some Aryans are more Aryan than others? I’m also getting mixed and conflicting information from pretty much all of you here. First guy said they went extinct and were originally from India, second guy said anyone with Germanic descent is Aryan, and now you’re telling me essentially all white people from Europe are aryan (which would include Mediterraneans I assume?)

This is the map I use to determine Aryan-ness

Like QueenOfQueens said, there’s no real way to narrow it down.
Aryan was originally Indo-Iranian term of self designation. In ancient Iran, the designation of “Airya” was a religious thing.
The use of the term in ancient Europe is debated and history is spotty. However, there is no evidence of its use among Proto-Europeans.

But for the “modern definition”, that’s thanks to some French author who just really didn’t like people that didn’t look like him. He wrote all his shit in the mid 1800s, which later got picked up by the mustache man.

Null_and_Void said:

Like QueenOfQueens said, there’s no real way to narrow it down.
Aryan was originally Indo-Iranian term of self designation. In ancient Iran, the designation of “Airya” was a religious thing.
The use of the term in ancient Europe is debated and history is spotty. However, there is no evidence of its use among Proto-Europeans.

But for the “modern definition”, that’s thanks to some French author who just really didn’t like people that didn’t look like him. He wrote all his shit in the mid 1800s, which later got picked up by the mustache man.

So are we just gonna settle on Aryan meaning blonde hair blue eyed whites?

AryanSuperSoldier said:

So are we just gonna settle on Aryan meaning blonde hair blue eyed whites?

If you want to. For me Aryan just means European. Builders of the world. Responsible for everything that is good. Can't imagine what sort of hellscape we would be living in if the world handn't been conquered by us. Lower races should be extremely grateful.