
most black fetishist don't even like black people

Posted under General

somebleacheduser said:

And the wrong people having kids too, there's kids who are born because of a fetish and solely that like the 2 examples I listed. Kids with parents like those are about to get bullied and hated on relentlessly because of the choices the parents made: Dad ran away, mom got too carried with her porn or she took it extremely seriously. Don't blame the kid, blame the parents who thought of having kids because of porn or to spite racist family members.
I honestly feel bad for the kids with parents like those: Born because of a sick fetish, no sense of self, absolute hatred towards both identities. I wonder what happens to those kids when they found about how they're born from both parents and their sick desires.

Yet again, the government is too busy saying that lonely men are threats to society despite criminals and rapists running around freely yet some autistic loner is more threatening to the same agency that dealt with way worse and donating money to Israel than actually helping kids born out of wedlock plus investigating the parents. At this point: Implement a mandatory paternal test and those who fail will not have kids, I wonder about the next part: Remove their eggs/sperm? sterilize them? The 2 sound too far but I'm not sure.

What do you mean by "those who fail?" like if the paternity test is mandatory pretty much everyone would get one

fkiblaze said:

What do you mean by "those who fail?" like if the paternity test is mandatory pretty much everyone would get one

Poor wording. I think it's more like: Make everyone take a paternity test, those with higher scores and high enough geninue trust as well as enough proof and enough knowledge as well as being sane and healthy that they're fit for having kids, they can have kids because they are mentally, emotionally fit to have kids. Those who will fail will not have kids, if it turns out the person has a criminal record: They automatically fail and basically have to some label for people to know that they're not fit to take care of them . Honestly, I can be very retarded when it comes to ideas. If anyone has better solutions or wants to fix mine, please do tell.

somebleacheduser said:

Poor wording. I think it's more like: Make everyone take a paternity test, those with higher scores and high enough geninue trust as well as enough proof and enough knowledge as well as being sane and healthy that they're fit for having kids, they can have kids because they are mentally, emotionally fit to have kids. Those who will fail will not have kids, if it turns out the person has a criminal record: They automatically fail and basically have to some label for people to know that they're not fit to take care of them . Honestly, I can be very retarded when it comes to ideas. If anyone has better solutions or wants to fix mine, please do tell.

Maybe you mean genetic test not paternity test, then. Also, imo id just make it based on income. That way you solve poverty too and dont introduce any other issues. Anything else besides income not only will be subject to bias, but also is circumvented by the person just moving to another country to have kids, then moving back with their children, unless youre going to have 0 immigration. But people that are too poor cant afford to move to other countries just for kids so this doesnt exist for them. income/wealth also selects for other traits that correlate with it, too. like Iike IQ, time preference, etc.

fkiblaze said:

Maybe you mean genetic test not paternity test, then. Also, imo id just make it based on income. That way you solve poverty too and dont introduce any other issues. Anything else besides income not only will be subject to bias, but also is circumvented by the person just moving to another country to have kids, then moving back with their children, unless youre going to have 0 immigration. But people that are too poor cant afford to move to other countries just for kids so this doesnt exist for them. income/wealth also selects for other traits that correlate with it, too. like Iike IQ, time preference, etc.

So genetics and income as well as other factors then. Plus those parenting(i meant parenting but for some reason i mixed it with paternity and parenting as if its synonymous) tests could be easily cheatable, making then easier to lie and people can manipulate it too to their liking. I think to avoid anyone bypassing those genetic/income tests, you'd have to enforce some laws that makes it impossible to bypass.

And if you think about it, genetics can shape someone even in the worst way possible.

Could environmental work or just income and genetics? Sometimes environmental factors can mess one up or have higher chances of trouble, when I read about school shooters/criminals, they would live in a shitty environment such single mom, weak or absent dad, too much abuse at home, or potential grooming. I could go on a sperg about this particular individual and his environment and whatnot but it's not really the right place in my opinion.

somebleacheduser said:

So genetics and income as well as other factors then. Plus those parenting(i meant parenting but for some reason i mixed it with paternity and parenting as if its synonymous) tests could be easily cheatable, making then easier to lie and people can manipulate it too to their liking. I think to avoid anyone bypassing those genetic/income tests, you'd have to enforce some laws that makes it impossible to bypass.

And if you think about it, genetics can shape someone even in the worst way possible.

Could environmental work or just income and genetics? Sometimes environmental factors can mess one up or have higher chances of trouble, when I read about school shooters/criminals, they would live in a shitty environment such single mom, weak or absent dad, too much abuse at home, or potential grooming. I could go on a sperg about this particular individual and his environment and whatnot but it's not really the right place in my opinion.

environment only ever lasts for one person, and it quite overrated anyway. Basic environment wont change your kid's genome (unless u mean like radiation exposure and stuff)

Fair point. Living in a single mom household or poor area won't necessarily cause any damage to a child genetic wise, more likely how they'll grow up and be in the future if they don't get help (i mean actual help, not doctors giving you happy pills. Sucks some women in general and parents are willing to drug themselves or others up, especially children) than any thing genetic.
For radiation and exposure to toxins in the womb, it can really mess up a child both genetically and pretty much everything: I read something about some autistic lolcow who ate lead paint as a child and she basically acted extremely weird and it made her autism worse: She was born with it but the lead paint basically messed up her brain, dunno if she ever recovered because she now acts relatively normal but she's still weird in some ways (possibly from what she saw online and taking it seriously)

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