
Learning to be a good white girl

Posted under General

the_polbwcV2 said:

6) STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM 4CHAN. Those are degenerates. Behind every "WHITEGOD88" or "N1GGERBR33D3R691941" is a pathethic fuck with 0 life.

This. Also stay away from any guy on twitter {actually just stay away from Twitter and social media at all costs) named "tradcatharyangod88", it's Mexican guys LARPing as white despite most of them being as mutted as a Brazilian and nothing white about them. 4chan is nothing more but a cesspool of degeneracy which basically allows gross and illegal things but making fun of other ethnic groups is le bad and you get banned while others do way worse and not banned. Girls (if they even exist as such on 4chan) on 4chan are pretty much mentally ill girls trying to exploit the loneliness of men or AGPs trying to groom men and blackmail them into hormones (Reiko for instance).

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