

Posted under General

fkiblaze said:

Im not responding or into politics to attract some girl, lol. And even if that was what i was going for, girls on average are actually attracted to people with low agreeableness anyway. That's why all the gang bangers and thugs have multiple baby momas. All the data shows criminals, thugs, and get more women on average.

who retains more women though? In a healthy society wherein welfare wasn't distributed to the dregs of society, but instead people actually had to toil and labor for their wealth, I wonder what kind of man would be considered more reliable or attractive in this reframed culture? In my circles, we have a saying "Chicks need a nest."

Oh, we can literally just look back into history a few hundred or so years and know, it was nobility, or aristocracy or those men excelling at being reasonably independent or skilled and used this independence or skill to improve the lives of his surrounding folk. Y'know like what men are supposed to be like, and not subhuman IQ monkeys shooting meth into their veins and having frivolous turf wars over who can make the most weed. I guess if you want to say that if we give women the unfiltered choice, in your estimation they'll choose the crackhead thug every time (totally not already damaged women that come from single-mother broken households btw), but then you've failed at first principle regardless, women shouldn't have the choice for precisely this reason, much like we don't give children unrestrained choice, they'd never brush their teeth, and eat only junk and never do any work or study, and rarely sleep. Fact of the matter is, responsibility is intertwined with authority, you cannot have one without the other, unless in a bastardized form wherein that only causes misery, much like today. We accept that if you deprive a child of a father, they lack the necessary stability and confidence to make informed choices, thus failing in life at various hurdles, yet you seem to presume that all women are just predisposed to this even with strong father figures. We are severely lacking in strong traditional and positive maculine role models, and it is this way by design in order to drive a wedge between men and women, I blame Feminism (all waves) and Marxists.

Colonizer_God said:

You do realize that you started all this when you got so incredibly, immensely triggered by one of my random comments, yes? It's rather ludicrous that you came in, got dramatic, and are trying to blame other people for it. Pathetic, really.

Everyone else who can and has disagreed politely with the fetish is okay with me. I respect their opinions if they disagree since they came out politely with it. There reasons are their own and they made some good points. Even fikiblaze.

I am just responding to the most...vulnerable, the lowest hanging fruit you could say. So I didn't start anything. I'm reacting. I'm a reactionary.

You were the first one to get dramatic.

Colonizer_God said:

Findom is just about the most pathetic shit possible. Even beyond racial cuck stuff and cuckshit in general, the idea that people get off on giving up on their money for bare minimum content that they can get for free on the internet is just fucking sad.

Everyone who is clearly triggered and threatened by the mere existence of "findom" fetishes are being the real drama queens. So I am reacting because you are drawing the attention to yourselves like a child throwing a tantrum. The fetish is clearly under your skin even though it has nothing to do with you. Even though you aren't participating, nobody is asking you to participate, it is still getting under your skin. And even if someone tried to get you to participate, you could still say no. And while someone did ask for the opinion of everyone here on findom, the mature people were able to agree and disagree on it without having to insult the others.

If you can't do that, then you're mentally and emotionally weak. And being mentally and emotionally weak is probably why the fetish gets under your skin and irritates you anyway.

fkiblaze said:

Im not responding or into politics to attract some girl, lol. And even if that was what i was going for, girls on average are actually attracted to people with low agreeableness anyway. That's why all the gang bangers and thugs have multiple baby momas. All the data shows criminals, thugs, and get more women on average.


AryanSuperSoldier said:

who retains more women though? In a healthy society wherein welfare wasn't distributed to the dregs of society, but instead people actually had to toil and labor for their wealth, I wonder what kind of man would be considered more reliable or attractive in this reframed culture? In my circles, we have a saying "Chicks need a nest."

Oh, we can literally just look back into history a few hundred or so years and know, it was nobility, or aristocracy or those men excelling at being reasonably independent or skilled and used this independence or skill to improve the lives of his surrounding folk. Y'know like what men are supposed to be like, and not subhuman IQ monkeys shooting meth into their veins and having frivolous turf wars over who can make the most weed. I guess if you want to say that if we give women the unfiltered choice, in your estimation they'll choose the crackhead thug every time (totally not already damaged women that come from single-mother broken households btw), but then you've failed at first principle regardless, women shouldn't have the choice for precisely this reason, much like we don't give children unrestrained choice, they'd never brush their teeth, and eat only junk and never do any work or study, and rarely sleep. Fact of the matter is, responsibility is intertwined with authority, you cannot have one without the other, unless in a bastardized form wherein that only causes misery, much like today. We accept that if you deprive a child of a father, they lack the necessary stability and confidence to make informed choices, thus failing in life at various hurdles, yet you seem to presume that all women are just predisposed to this even with strong father figures. We are severely lacking in strong traditional and positive maculine role models, and it is this way by design in order to drive a wedge between men and women, I blame Feminism (all waves) and Marxists.

Ok, but I'm talking about current society not past society. And like you said, women were influenced by their fathers on who to marry in the past, so we dont know what the outcome of a new different theoretical society would be.

fkiblaze said:

Ok, but I'm talking about current society not past society. And like you said, women were influenced by their fathers on who to marry in the past, so we dont know what the outcome of a new different theoretical society would be.

It’s the lowest base instinct of a woman is what I’m saying. Pure lust and inexperience at young ages does this to men and women btw so it’s not just women. Women are just the selectors, and when selectors have poor judgement they choose wrong. All men have to be technically to attract women is this, be dangerous. But in that base instinct all women have to be to attract men is available.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

It’s the lowest base instinct of a woman is what I’m saying. Pure lust and inexperience at young ages does this to men and women btw so it’s not just women. Women are just the selectors, and when selectors have poor judgement they choose wrong. All men have to be technically to attract women is this, be dangerous. But in that base instinct all women have to be to attract men is available.

I do think it's different for men though, because as women are the selectors, they are the ones responsible for creating the male behavior. Very few births are due to rape, so male behavior is 99% defined by women. On top of that, at least from my personal knowledge, when men make bad decisions of partners they are aware of what they are doing, they just only have limited options so are willing to take the risks. This is different than having plenty of other options and choosing the bad one because you think it's good. Hence the Hot/crazy graph. Men are aware the specific woman they are dating are crazy, it's just the best they are able to get.

MexiSpicRP said:
If you can't do that, then you're mentally and emotionally weak. And being mentally and emotionally weak is probably why the fetish gets under your skin and irritates you anyway.

Leaving aside all the utter crap about you trying to psychoanalyze me based on a single expression of distaste, the sheer projection on display here really is quite amusing. You came in, got immensely triggered about your seeing your favorite fetish insulted (which is pathetic in every way, honestly. Identifying so much with one singular fetish that you have to defend it in order to assuage your ego? Pretty fragile there.) and decided to get personal for no discernable rhyme or reason. I get it, you want to love it so much that you'll give up the contents of your wallet on the regular, but if you were such a mentally strong individual, you'd have been able to let some random comment slide off your back and engage in that so-called mature discussion.

But instead you got triggered, got personal, and decided to project all your insecurities onto me. Now that's some weakness right there.

fkiblaze said:

This and also, better for the white race regardless, because we dont really need cucks in our gene pool. I dont care about saving every white in existence, i care about saving the white gene pool.

We need to clean up the white gene pool before we can rule. Too many betas and cucks in the way. We need more daddys who can really rule the world, not whiny crying little bitches. Actually, wouldn't that be hot, findoms using their power to sneakily extort them and giving it all to their white daddy <3

Colonizer_God said:

Leaving aside all the utter crap about you trying to psychoanalyze me based on a single expression of distaste, the sheer projection on display here really is quite amusing. You came in, got immensely triggered about your seeing your favorite fetish insulted (which is pathetic in every way, honestly. Identifying so much with one singular fetish that you have to defend it in order to assuage your ego? Pretty fragile there.) and decided to get personal for no discernable rhyme or reason. I get it, you want to love it so much that you'll give up the contents of your wallet on the regular, but if you were such a mentally strong individual, you'd have been able to let some random comment slide off your back and engage in that so-called mature discussion.

But instead you got triggered, got personal, and decided to project all your insecurities onto me. Now that's some weakness right there.

Beat him down daddy!

Colonizer_God said:

Leaving aside all the utter crap about you trying to psychoanalyze me based on a single expression of distaste, the sheer projection on display here really is quite amusing. You came in, got immensely triggered about your seeing your favorite fetish insulted (which is pathetic in every way, honestly. Identifying so much with one singular fetish that you have to defend it in order to assuage your ego? Pretty fragile there.) and decided to get personal for no discernable rhyme or reason. I get it, you want to love it so much that you'll give up the contents of your wallet on the regular, but if you were such a mentally strong individual, you'd have been able to let some random comment slide off your back and engage in that so-called mature discussion.

But instead you got triggered, got personal, and decided to project all your insecurities onto me. Now that's some weakness right there.

You say "crap about trying to psychoanalyze" but then in the same post you do it to me. And on top of that you didn't say anything new. I already said I reacted to you because you're like a child throwing a tantrum. Easy, low hanging, fruit.

I don't get it. Are you not self-aware enough to realize it? What were you trying to get out of this exchange? lol

Aryans_chink_toy said:

I just wanted to get cucks to expose themselves so i could get them into giving me money ;-;

Sorry. I didn't know. And I contributed to ruining the thread for you. Unfortunately I don't have any money to give either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It was a good attempt though, if it had gone without the disruption I am sure it would have done well.

MexiSpicRP said:

You say "crap about trying to psychoanalyze" but then in the same post you do it to me. And on top of that you didn't say anything new. I already said I reacted to you because you're like a child throwing a tantrum. Easy, low hanging, fruit.

I don't get it. Are you not self-aware enough to realize it? What were you trying to get out of this exchange? lol

Sorry. I didn't know. And I contributed to ruining the thread for you. Unfortunately I don't have any money to give either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It was a good attempt though, if it had gone without the disruption I am sure it would have done well.

No no its fine i promise

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