fkiblaze said:
Im not responding or into politics to attract some girl, lol. And even if that was what i was going for, girls on average are actually attracted to people with low agreeableness anyway. That's why all the gang bangers and thugs have multiple baby momas. All the data shows criminals, thugs, and get more women on average.
who retains more women though? In a healthy society wherein welfare wasn't distributed to the dregs of society, but instead people actually had to toil and labor for their wealth, I wonder what kind of man would be considered more reliable or attractive in this reframed culture? In my circles, we have a saying "Chicks need a nest."
Oh, we can literally just look back into history a few hundred or so years and know, it was nobility, or aristocracy or those men excelling at being reasonably independent or skilled and used this independence or skill to improve the lives of his surrounding folk. Y'know like what men are supposed to be like, and not subhuman IQ monkeys shooting meth into their veins and having frivolous turf wars over who can make the most weed. I guess if you want to say that if we give women the unfiltered choice, in your estimation they'll choose the crackhead thug every time (totally not already damaged women that come from single-mother broken households btw), but then you've failed at first principle regardless, women shouldn't have the choice for precisely this reason, much like we don't give children unrestrained choice, they'd never brush their teeth, and eat only junk and never do any work or study, and rarely sleep. Fact of the matter is, responsibility is intertwined with authority, you cannot have one without the other, unless in a bastardized form wherein that only causes misery, much like today. We accept that if you deprive a child of a father, they lack the necessary stability and confidence to make informed choices, thus failing in life at various hurdles, yet you seem to presume that all women are just predisposed to this even with strong father figures. We are severely lacking in strong traditional and positive maculine role models, and it is this way by design in order to drive a wedge between men and women, I blame Feminism (all waves) and Marxists.