
Support for Haus_3d

Posted under General

Anyways I'm grateful to the one person on this website who mentioned what happened two weeks ago and not using it as a punchline to some sick joke.

Genuinely feel like I have nothing left. No friends left. No family left. Don't even have the one genre I catered to on my side.

Haydricht said:

You really took what I said way out of context, huh.

There is no other context to take it in. You said, and this is a quote:
"Seeing the anguish my mother is in right now with her husband's passing makes me realize NTR artists have no souls".

What the fuck is wrong with you? I respect that everyone griefs differently and in a vacuum I feel for your family. You're a young guy so I can only assume your father's passing was premature, my condolences.

So off you go to insert your hatred for NTR porn, a fictional genre, into a tragic real life event that ripped your family apart because yeah, that is clearly the exact same feeling or even remotely comparable. I could go on and on about your continued parasocial dependency on the community to fill the void where your personality is supposed to be but I won't.

You mentioned on your twitter, because of course you did, that "you've been going to therapy for 9 years but nothing helps" and yet you still continue to fester in the exact same community that brings you this much grief. Scapegoat myself, NorthernImp or whichever other perceived demons you see as excuses for your poor mental health, but as long as you don't change your environment and ways you'll continue down this path of self-destruction.

Good luck man

BlutWieEisen said:

Don't think I asked for a backup dancer mate. Focus on not getting drafted and getting your brain ripped open by NATO sponsored weaponry

most likely you will be sent to fight first)) NATOs warrior bgggg
don't forget to send money to zelenski

BlutWieEisen said:

There is no other context to take it in. You said, and this is a quote:
"Seeing the anguish my mother is in right now with her husband's passing makes me realize NTR artists have no souls".

What the fuck is wrong with you? I respect that everyone griefs differently and in a vacuum I feel for your family. You're a young guy so I can only assume your father's passing was premature, my condolences.

So off you go to insert your hatred for NTR porn, a fictional genre, into a tragic real life event that ripped your family apart because yeah, that is clearly the exact same feeling or even remotely comparable. I could go on and on about your continued parasocial dependency on the community to fill the void where your personality is supposed to be but I won't.

You mentioned on your twitter, because of course you did, that "you've been going to therapy for 9 years but nothing helps" and yet you still continue to fester in the exact same community that brings you this much grief. Scapegoat myself, NorthernImp or whichever other perceived demons you see as excuses for your poor mental health, but as long as you don't change your environment and ways you'll continue down this path of self-destruction.

Good luck man

Fuck you

My friend has his problems and the anguish that results from terminally online people may be as easily solved as disappearing from the open sewers where they reside, but I will never give up on being his friend. Perhaps I should be praying even more for him than I already do now.

BlutWieEisen said:

There is no other context to take it in. You said, and this is a quote:
"Seeing the anguish my mother is in right now with her husband's passing makes me realize NTR artists have no souls".

What the fuck is wrong with you? I respect that everyone griefs differently and in a vacuum I feel for your family. You're a young guy so I can only assume your father's passing was premature, my condolences.

So off you go to insert your hatred for NTR porn, a fictional genre, into a tragic real life event that ripped your family apart because yeah, that is clearly the exact same feeling or even remotely comparable. I could go on and on about your continued parasocial dependency on the community to fill the void where your personality is supposed to be but I won't.

You mentioned on your twitter, because of course you did, that "you've been going to therapy for 9 years but nothing helps" and yet you still continue to fester in the exact same community that brings you this much grief. Scapegoat myself, NorthernImp or whichever other perceived demons you see as excuses for your poor mental health, but as long as you don't change your environment and ways you'll continue down this path of self-destruction.

Good luck man

I have no clue what he said, i just want to point out NTR isnt fiction, people actually engage in adultery irl.

Haydricht said:

Anyways I'm grateful to the one person on this website who mentioned what happened two weeks ago and not using it as a punchline to some sick joke.

Genuinely feel like I have nothing left. No friends left. No family left. Don't even have the one genre I catered to on my side.

Sorry for your loss dude. There's people out there who support ya even if the mods on this sight act like soulless cunts and use you as a punching bag.

Keep on keeping on.

Haydricht said:

Anyways I'm grateful to the one person on this website who mentioned what happened two weeks ago and not using it as a punchline to some sick joke.

Genuinely feel like I have nothing left. No friends left. No family left. Don't even have the one genre I catered to on my side.

I get serious when it comes to IRL issues

Anyways do hope things get better, and also don't push to make content!