
White Supremacy + LGBTQ

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Haydricht said:

What’s wrong with me wanting to fuck AOC until my balls fall off

4/10 Latina that only got popular because of 1 dance video and being Bernie's cheerleader. Now a politician. I couldn't imagine someone more insufferable

lovecrown21 said:

4/10 Latina that only got popular because of 1 dance video and being Bernie's cheerleader. Now a politician. I couldn't imagine someone more insufferable

Ilhan Omar

lovecrown21 said:

Regressive society where rape is a form of torture and organ harvesting is rampant. Regressive society that still relies on arranged marriages, a caste society, and the concept of using a toilet is controversial. A region of states that still heavily restricts the rights of it's citizens and is intolerant of LGBT people. Heavily religious society that doesn't believe in it to the same way Western societies do. Also "in Africa". Which country? It's a continent not a country.

Who would've thought Western democracies with stable economies that had softer views on LGBT would see it flourish



Cassidy said:

There are people in America who, quite literally, worship George Floyd, report miracles at the site of his death, and conduct religious services in his name. You cannot pretend that we are some sort of advanced, enlightened society that has eliminated superstition and regression while stuff like this goes on.

I'm not from W. Europe so I won't speak on it, but N. America is a rapidly-degenerating shithole and all of our precious "rights" are being lopped off one-by-one.

Retarded people exist everywhere.

Bleached forums not talking about politics or getting into heated arguments

Difficulty: Impossible

Seriously, every new post is one new part in one long rant of something that has nothing to do with the original topic it is posted under.

MexiSpicRP said:

Bleached forums not talking about politics or getting into heated arguments

Difficulty: Impossible

Seriously, every new post is one new part in one long rant of something that has nothing to do with the original topic it is posted under.

True, but that's kinda because 90% of forum posts are just boring and dumb, so they die after a day or two, and then the only thing interesting to comment on becomes the political stuff. Like the topic is literally white supremecy+lgbt. both of those are highly political. Meanwhile in the RP section it's not really any political arguments cause it has a point. Like the only three topics on this site come down to either ERP, getting women more active, or politics.

You've ruined the sacred human form. You do not pass and your skeletal structure is male. Transgenderism is a perverted jewish invention that destroys societies from within.

I'm a bi transgirl that enjoys the bleached kink. I just don't let my kinks bleed into my actual beliefs. Its fun to imagine it all, but that's it. I'm a firm believer in the need to separate kinks from reality, something which lots of people fail to do.

Progressive left teaches you that if someone is conservative or Christian that they hate you... the left sees everything against them as hate, and everyone as their enemies and when they say; "you hate me because I'm gay", they actually are projecting their black and white way of thinking, "you're either with us or against us."

ZombiBoi said:

Progressive left teaches you that if someone is conservative or Christian that they hate you... the left sees everything against them as hate, and everyone as their enemies and when they say; "you hate me because I'm gay", they actually are projecting their black and white way of thinking, "you're either with us or against us."

Binaries aren't exclusive to any one political ideology. They come about because the human mind likes easy to understand things and having a black and white is the easiest dichotomy there is. Then they get reinforced by people who are ignorant, people who don't want to look at the other side, and people who profit off of that binary. Don't act like conservatives don't engage in the same "if they are X they are all Y" rhetoric.

As for everyone else, happy pride month yall o/

SissyVesyani said:

Binaries aren't exclusive to any one political ideology. They come about because the human mind likes easy to understand things and having a black and white is the easiest dichotomy there is. Then they get reinforced by people who are ignorant, people who don't want to look at the other side, and people who profit off of that binary. Don't act like conservatives don't engage in the same "if they are X they are all Y" rhetoric.

As for everyone else, happy pride month yall o/

Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough. So here maybe this would better explain the point I was trying to make, and I agree the right also does it, but to a lesser extent.


Tanned Asian boy here, as much as I like racist white guys, its so hard to date one who isn't repressing their homosexuality. Like, one broke up with me because it goes against nature and stuff.

And even when wanting to date a white guy, none of them are actually interested in getting to know me :/

BrownBunnyBoy said:

Tanned Asian boy here, as much as I like racist white guys, its so hard to date one who isn't repressing their homosexuality. Like, one broke up with me because it goes against nature and stuff.

And even when wanting to date a white guy, none of them are actually interested in getting to know me :/

It does go against nature. Good on them for fighting their homosexual attractions and righting their wrongs.

Oriflamme said:

It does go against nature. Good on them for fighting their homosexual attractions and righting their wrongs.

Ironically this is one of the main reasons why homosexuality continues to persist and be prevalent though. Cause homos traditionally had to pretend to be straight and have families and stuff. If you actually wanted to do something about homosexuality you would want to make a law where it's illegal for them to have kids, they have to only date men and stuff.

fkiblaze said:

Ironically this is one of the main reasons why homosexuality continues to persist and be prevalent though. Cause homos traditionally had to pretend to be straight and have families and stuff. If you actually wanted to do something about homosexuality you would want to make a law where it's illegal for them to have kids, they have to only date men and stuff.

The Bi, and then gay gene (whatever that is, and then all of its branching sexuality splits) most likely lies within women though, and it’s probably a mainstay for them, as I imagine it to facilitate cooperation and collaboration within an in-group. That’s a decent idea though and if we lived in a sane world, those men who were gay would’ve been fine with it, but something tells me there’d be pushback somehow someway in clown world.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

The Bi, and then gay gene (whatever that is, and then all of its branching sexuality splits) most likely lies within women though, and it’s probably a mainstay for them, as I imagine it to facilitate cooperation and collaboration within an in-group. That’s a decent idea though and if we lived in a sane world, those men who were gay would’ve been fine with it, but something tells me there’d be pushback somehow someway in clown world.

That's one theory, but not only is there no evidence, it actually has counter evidence. That being homosexuality/bisexuality in women is almost entirely environmental. Twin studies show this. The heritability of homosexuality in women is only 0.15. If the gene was primarily a gene for women, it would be the opposite, it would be much stronger in women, which it was selected for, and then weaker in men which it would be more of an accident.


Tranazi said:

White Trans girl here. Also a white supremacist lol. I was wondering how do people feel about that?
Normally the two dont mix. Either your progressive and LGBTQ or a white supremacist. Never both.

So, I want to know peoples opinions. :3.

I just made an account just to comment on this. Thanks.

You're in the right place to find people who would accept both views since we are perverts who also love to see white men dominate.

The only problem with being pro white, white, and trans, is that the white race needs to propogate itself and being trans effectively steralizes you. Thankfully we live in the 21st century and we have tech like freezing sperm and surrogates. I would recommend either doing that or adopting white children or joining a cis male and cis female in a 3 way poly relationship and being support for their kids. There are ways to make it work but it's not as easy as a normal nuclear family is.

Other than that, I LOVE pro white trans girls! Part of the reason I am pro-white is because I find my race beautiful. And there are also a lot of beautiful trans girls too. They go so well together. One day i hope to be in a relationship with a beautiful trans girl and have a large white family toegther.

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