
Does being racist/antisemetic turn you on?

Posted under General

I don't just mean being turned on by bleached art and what not. Does racism and/or antisemitism in general make you aroused? When you hear reports of black people being mistreated or jews getting attacked, does it make you feel pleasure? Does seeing neo nazis protesting and harassing niggers and jews in public give you a feeling of euphoria?

guppy969 said:

I don't just mean being turned on by bleached art and what not. Does racism and/or antisemitism in general make you aroused? When you hear reports of black people being mistreated or jews getting attacked, does it make you feel pleasure? Does seeing neo nazis protesting and harassing niggers and jews in public give you a feeling of euphoria?

It doesn’t turn me on or arouse me.

I might get critiqued for this, but in a messed up kind of way, seeing those sort of reports on the news or the Internet does intrigue me, maybe not always to a point of arousal, but I'm definitely more interested in hearing about those sort of things~! Specially if it includes people of my own asian race in those reports, tho I live in a place where inferior races cause more trouble than white people do, so...

Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

I might get critiqued for this, but in a messed up kind of way, seeing those sort of reports on the news or the Internet does intrigue me, maybe not always to a point of arousal, but I'm definitely more interested in hearing about those sort of things~! Specially if it includes people of my own asian race in those reports, tho I live in a place where inferior races cause more trouble than white people do, so...

well considering you are a non-white on this site, it figures you would be attracted to that. Generally the white people here just have pride in their own race, not want to be evil to other races (other than in RP stuff)

Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

I might get critiqued for this, but in a messed up kind of way, seeing those sort of reports on the news or the Internet does intrigue me, maybe not always to a point of arousal, but I'm definitely more interested in hearing about those sort of things~! Specially if it includes people of my own asian race in those reports, tho I live in a place where inferior races cause more trouble than white people do, so...

I can't blame you for feeling that way, nor can I blame you for being a race traitor. The fact that you like reading those reports tells me your mind is already pretty broken. It might be good for you to keep doing that more and more. That way, as time goes on, just reading the headlines will be enough to get you off.

Although reality and online life need to be separated
But I have to admit that I have similar feelings, knowing that much of my interest in bleaching comes from the reality of our national history, which has always made me feel very hot about being colonized by white people.........As for the news about Asian hate in recent years, I know it is real pain, but I can't help but imagine that if I were an Asian who was sexually assaulted, then I think I would learn to enjoy....

I mean.. I guess no and yes? I say no cause I don't like to see for instance neonazis beating Jews but I'm definitely a fan of white guys verbally assaulting latinas. I prefer it when it's done to me but if I can see it and indirectly participate in it then that's good as well

Here? Yea. IRL? No. Anywhere else on the internet? Also no.
It’s cool here and on Twitter because it’s a kink for me that I visit once in a blue moon. If someone was to initiate raceplay with me I would enjoy that as well, but I’m not turned on by legitimate racism. There’s a line, and I would never be aroused to hear of hate crimes and discrimination.
It’s honestly so lame to think anyone would turned on by racism in general. What, do you get horny every time some fourteen year old types racial slurs in TF2?

I've been avoiding this post for a while but i need to say that yes, racism in a sexual context kinda turns me on. Racism in a flirty context also kinda turns me on. If i have a non-white partner (i had one before) i would love to degrade them in every way, even with their race.

Irl im not racist, i just feel more comfortable with people of my ethnicity and race.

What turns me on is the idea of racial white purity. Breeding for the sake of ruining somebodys bloodline in a erotic context (with consent of both parties) is erotic for me.

guppy969 said:

I don't just mean being turned on by bleached art and what not. Does racism and/or antisemitism in general make you aroused? When you hear reports of black people being mistreated or jews getting attacked, does it make you feel pleasure? Does seeing neo nazis protesting and harassing niggers and jews in public give you a feeling of euphoria?

yeah, no. i like raceplay purely in a sexual context. it would actually mess me up if i got aroused from witnessing actual racism or hate crimes.

guppy969 said:

I don't just mean being turned on by bleached art and what not. Does racism and/or antisemitism in general make you aroused? When you hear reports of black people being mistreated or jews getting attacked, does it make you feel pleasure? Does seeing neo nazis protesting and harassing niggers and jews in public give you a feeling of euphoria?

In a sexual way, no. I find it extremely weird for someone to get turned on by actual racism, those who do that probably has some pretty extreme and unironic sadistic tendencies. In a way, it's like getting turned on by people actually suffocating to death or real torture outside BDSM contexts.

the_polbwcV2 said:

What turns me on is the idea of racial white purity. Breeding for the sake of ruining somebodys bloodline in a erotic context (with consent of both parties) is erotic for me.

I mean the only bloodline you're ruining is yours ngl 😭

the_polbwcV2 said:

I've been avoiding this post for a while but i need to say that yes, racism in a sexual context kinda turns me on. Racism in a flirty context also kinda turns me on. If i have a non-white partner (i had one before) i would love to degrade them in every way, even with their race.

Irl im not racist, i just feel more comfortable with people of my ethnicity and race.

What turns me on is the idea of racial white purity. Breeding for the sake of ruining somebodys bloodline in a erotic context (with consent of both parties) is erotic for me.

Lol your children will be mixed if you sleep with a non white and get her pregnant🥰

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