
Do you all even know what Bleaching truly is?

Posted under General

somebleacheduser said:

As for Vaush, I think it's because they all understood those were "jokes" even though those are some barely disguised fetishes or porn addiction as a punchline (despite the subject matter being extreme vile) yet i remember hearing a story about 3 kids (2 white, 1 black/brown) made a few antisemitic jokes on social media and the school suspended them because I think two girls reported them or something and most people were focusing on the white kids while there was a brown/black kid who did the same thing as them (unless brown is now considered white) So hahaha jew dumb is bad while some guy makes jokes about horse peen and even said or advocated for CSAM (if it's "ethical", no matter what you say, it's still illegal and disgusting, "ethical" or not)

Yea, i remember seeing that stuff an it clearly isnt a joke, just his fetishes.

In a way, it did worsen the problem and I don't support his actions too, he should have went to a very conservative country and find himself a wife (take her home or just stay in her home country) over that, it basically made it worse: It got so bad that a bunch of sites had to be shut off temporarily due to the footage spreading like wildlife and possible hate speech laws increasing. There's countries that prosecute right-wingers, not sure if New Zealand is one of them yet allow radfems advocating for murder of all men (lets not forget that some radfems even admit to cheering about little boys getting abused because "revenge for the patricharchy") and similar.

I believe it was also the justification they used to take away everyone's guns there too, so now people cant even defend themselves from criminals, including the ones they import. This is something i find so stupid about mass shooters. Why is every mass shooter literally the dumbest person ever so makes everything worse. What ever happened to the times people were like the IRA. Whatever you think of them, the IRA actually used violence in an effective way to get the politicians to change rather than just shoot up random people. Not that I'm advocating for violence but if you are doomer enough to do it, why is it never like the IRA anymore?

Let's not forget that it seems like some people get lenient punishments due to identity or position of power, that's why you see criminals and scumbags out in the street despite what they did.
> I read a story about a girl who ran a zoophile network on Telegram and she was free and she even admits to continuing the same behavior she got arrested for in a different state where it's legal but when a man does the same thing, he gets a life sentence and more jail time.
> Uvalde police did nothing when Sal shot up those kids, all they did was laze around or not do their job and prosecute those who tried to rescue their kids while Sal kept shooting at them and police did nothing.
> Lets not forget a cop in the UK/Europe held down a guy defending himself from a scumbag and the cop got the wrong guy so the scumbag stabbed the cop and got away with it.

Yet a few white guys fighting back against their bully or defending himself and his gf from ethnic creeps and people lose their minds and believe they're humanity's greatest threats. If we were in a just society, everyone would get the same punishment regardless of identity or position in society but it seems like people prosecute people lightly because of the past, "system failing them", and stereotypes like "women are caregivers, nurturers" while I've seen some deranged women who shouldn't even be walking in the streets at all.

yea thats just anarcho tyranny type stuff. Civilization is so messed up right now, i wish we had governments like japan or singapore that actually fully enforce the laws justly, instead of just letting random brown and black criminals run free to murder and steal, and then throwing white people who violate some obscure business regulation in jail or people who defend their property.

fkiblaze said:

Yea, i remember seeing that stuff an it clearly isnt a joke, just his fetishes.

I believe it was also the justification they used to take away everyone's guns there too, so now people cant even defend themselves from criminals, including the ones they import. This is something i find so stupid about mass shooters. Why is every mass shooter literally the dumbest person ever so makes everything worse. What ever happened to the times people were like the IRA. Whatever you think of them, the IRA actually used violence in an effective way to get the politicians to change rather than just shoot up random people. Not that I'm advocating for violence but if you are doomer enough to do it, why is it never like the IRA anymore?

yea thats just anarcho tyranny type stuff. Civilization is so messed up right now, i wish we had governments like japan or singapore that actually fully enforce the laws justly, instead of just letting random brown and black criminals run free to murder and steal, and then throwing white people who violate some obscure business regulation in jail or people who defend their property.

Vaush is just something else, but yet again he'll probably excuse with it: "It's just fictional/fetish" or maybe because he's in the US, stuff like that is a grey area unless you will act it out in real time, hell, in Cali: lolishocon is completely legal while other states made it illegal (i know one but i forget the state) or a grey area.

Yep, all of this because a few guys shoot up schools and whatnot and did nothing when there's shootouts in low income neighborhoods and gangs murdering people left to right, now everyone can't defend themselves. They think recording someone is better self-defense when sometimes, it can be manipulated and it can actually defame people because people know that video editing software exists plus they will only record their side of the story. Hell, bump into some crazy woman accidentally and she'll record you and falsely accuse you of harassment. When you get put into therapy or similar: those will show up in your records and it makes it impossible for you to get a gun unless you get one off some legitimate darknet gun vendor(if that even exists, some are fed-owned honeypots) or a friend yet gang members despite lengthy criminal records can still have them. As for mass shooters because they don't target people in power but rather normal everyday people thinking it's going to change anything when it's just going to make the gun control side win and now everybody can't defend themselves. Not to mention, increase stereotypes. Even if you tried to do that, you'll get arrested and feds will watch you.

This and revenge towards a group that "oppressed" them and they think murdering their "oppressors" will do anything except for worsening the conflict. Countries like Japan and Singapore would actually help us but no, the US/EU want to dickride Israel despite people protesting the US to stop dickriding a country thats murdering random civilians and doesn't even like us than helping out their own citizens or have better countries help the US/EU.
The guy who was drunk and killed some migrants in a bus, I bet some people were saying "HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME!" despite the guy being super drunk and drugged along with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Same with Kyle Rittenhouse case: Some said he killed a bunch of black people when all he did was defend himself from the protestors and he only killed two white guys with their own set of problems yet people still believed Kyle shot random black people like a maniac. Do people have media literacy skills or not? Do they even pick up a book? Where the hell are they getting their sources?

somebleacheduser said:

Vaush is just something else, but yet again he'll probably excuse with it: "It's just fictional/fetish" or maybe because he's in the US, stuff like that is a grey area unless you will act it out in real time, hell, in Cali: lolishocon is completely legal while other states made it illegal (i know one but i forget the state) or a grey area.

I think it's legal in most states, it's just the actions that are illegal. Still doesnt make him any less degenerate

As for mass shooters because they don't target people in power but rather normal everyday people thinking it's going to change anything when it's just going to make the gun control side win and now everybody can't defend themselves. Not to mention, increase stereotypes. Even if you tried to do that, you'll get arrested and feds will watch you.

Yea, i have no clue when killing random everyday people became a trend. If i didnt know better it was promoted precisely because they didnt want edgy shooters targeting the people actually responsible for the laws and importing immigrants. Not just the politicians, but all the NGOs. im surprised there hasnt been a single right wing terrorist attack that just bombed and sunk any of those massive transport ships bringing all the migrants into europe nonstop. They cant just replace multimillion dollar vessels since they take decades to build in the modern era. instead doomers just shoot up a walmart or something. Im curious when this trend actually happened, like maybe when TV became a thing and mass shooters became infamous by the media? When you read history you just hear about people taking pitchforks to the nobles or kings when they were mad about a policy, but somehow that changed to just slaughtering the plebs they rule over.

The guy who was drunk and killed some migrants in a bus, I bet some people were saying "HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME!" despite the guy being super drunk and drugged along with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Same with Kyle Rittenhouse case: Some said he killed a bunch of black people when all he did was defend himself from the protestors and he only killed two white guys with their own set of problems yet people still believed Kyle shot random black people like a maniac. Do people have media literacy skills or not? Do they even pick up a book? Where the hell are they getting their sources?

Yea, the quality of the average persons information has decreased quite a bit, but thankfully i think things are getting better since elon bought twitter. most lies are being exposed now.

fkiblaze said:

I think it's legal in most states, it's just the actions that are illegal. Still doesnt make him any less degenerate

Yea, i have no clue when killing random everyday people became a trend. If i didnt know better it was promoted precisely because they didnt want edgy shooters targeting the people actually responsible for the laws and importing immigrants. Not just the politicians, but all the NGOs. im surprised there hasnt been a single right wing terrorist attack that just bombed and sunk any of those massive transport ships bringing all the migrants into europe nonstop. They cant just replace multimillion dollar vessels since they take decades to build in the modern era. instead doomers just shoot up a walmart or something. Im curious when this trend actually happened, like maybe when TV became a thing and mass shooters became infamous by the media? When you read history you just hear about people taking pitchforks to the nobles or kings when they were mad about a policy, but somehow that changed to just slaughtering the plebs they rule over.

Yea, the quality of the average persons information has decreased quite a bit, but thankfully i think things are getting better since elon bought twitter. most lies are being exposed now.

Agreed, yet some guy making a silly trans joke and he's done for. Breadtubers are weird: Says right wingers bad and degen (some are but not all, you'll find degens in every group anyway) while we have Vaush being a living horse boy stereotype and Keffals and his friends "pinkpilling" young boys and men into hormones (as well as consult some Brazilian tranny and putting his ball hair inside the hormones and the catboy ranch server). And it gets sad when they brainwash autistic and mentally ill men into this stuff, knowing it's not good morally but they can't understand due to their brains working more differently than the rest of the population.

If I remembered correctly: It's because of past shooters doing that: For Brenda Spencer, she shot up random people over her hate of Mondays (if she's even telling the truth about her motives), you got Eric and Dylan shooting up their bullies but then it went from bullies to random people who had nothing to do with it, then theres Adam Lanza and his hate for culture yet he didn't kill the ones behind it, he killed innocent kids instead of those in charge of culture and I could go on. But I believe it's mostly because most dont have the same power and weapons as those in power so it will be hard to take down someone or something who has more power than a doomer or some guy who's sick of the world. It's like fighting someone with a weak gun while they got a full blown war tank. I'm surprised too because we don't see some guy bombing any immigration embassies or killing the president, just some WalMart and that's it.

It's because all they watch are CNN, Breadtubers, and some person who knows absolutely nothing. Plus most younger people are fed what the algorithm gives them hence believing it, they were raised by the algorithm and they think drawing anime girl with watermelon is going to free Palestine because some popular artist did it when it's just performative. I'm glad there's people who have common sense and know not everything's a hate crime when it's just people with their problems doing something related to their problems like the drug-alcohol addict killing immigrants getting to work, it wasn't targeted; he was drunk and on drugs and still allowed behind the wheel.

(About the Tarrant-chan part: I don't condone his actions also anime girl Tarrant cute but let's not forget there's girls who lust over Jeremy Meeks, Jeffery Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, etc who wished they had their kids knowing damn well all of those men shouldn't be near normal people, let alone kids)

somebleacheduser said:
If I remembered correctly: It's because of past shooters doing that: For Brenda Spencer, she shot up random people over her hate of Mondays (if she's even telling the truth about her motives), you got Eric and Dylan shooting up their bullies but then it went from bullies to random people who had nothing to do with it, then theres Adam Lanza and his hate for culture yet he didn't kill the ones behind it, he killed innocent kids instead of those in charge of culture and I could go on. But I believe it's mostly because most dont have the same power and weapons as those in power so it will be hard to take down someone or something who has more power than a doomer or some guy who's sick of the world. It's like fighting someone with a weak gun while they got a full blown war tank. I'm surprised too because we don't see some guy bombing any immigration embassies or killing the president, just some WalMart and that's it.

i do think the whole modern depressed man taking the path of least resistance plays into it cause you would have to actually plan something to attack people other than random kids in schools and what not. That said, i dont really think there is a power differential. A bullet will kill a billionaire the exact same way it does a walmart shopper. That's one thing I always found funny as someone who grew up playing video games and watching anime. Normies in this world will do all sorts of terrible things to gain power and then think they are the most powerful man in the world, when some random thug could knock them out. Powerful people dont really exist in this world if you compare it to anime or games, where like a lvl99 character can just tanks infinite hits from lvl 1s, or one anime character can defeat a whole army of people all by himself. There really is no power differential between people in this world. Some kid could trip elon musk and he hit his head on the concrete and then just die, so they are doing all sorts of evil stuff for nothing. Anyone can kill anyone else in this world with just a bolt action hunting rifle and knowing where they live.

(About the Tarrant-chan part: I don't condone his actions also anime girl Tarrant cute but let's not forget there's girls who lust over Jeremy Meeks, Jeffery Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, etc who wished they had their kids knowing damn well all of those men shouldn't be near normal people, let alone kids)

I feel like there is a difference between liking a cute anime character that is a parody of some character, and those girls that like the actual person who was a serial killer or something tbh.

This is what happens when people in power think everyone can't take them down while some 10 year old or guy with a rifle or shotgun can beat them in seconds even if they had security guards and latest tech while some hacker or guy can just make it weaker and take advantage of exploits and vulnerabilities. Some guy can easily take down Joe because he's an old fart and people in power are mostly middle aged to old farts who can't fight back.
The part where they shoot random people is because even after they've killed their main targets, the dopamine doesn't stop and they keep going, sometimes they have planned it but then their brains said: You know what, fuck these people and fuck this school so pew pew! or something

There is I believe: With Tarrant-Chan, you just find some waifuized guy cute but you don't have to support his actions, just find Tarrant waifu cute and call it a day but with serial killers, yes and they're not even hiding it at all, they are simping for a real person.
(Also it'd be pretty cool if I see waifuized versions of Dylann Roof and other white supermacists, if there's Tarrant-Chan, I don't see the problem with Roof-chan)

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