somebleacheduser said:
As for Vaush, I think it's because they all understood those were "jokes" even though those are some barely disguised fetishes or porn addiction as a punchline (despite the subject matter being extreme vile) yet i remember hearing a story about 3 kids (2 white, 1 black/brown) made a few antisemitic jokes on social media and the school suspended them because I think two girls reported them or something and most people were focusing on the white kids while there was a brown/black kid who did the same thing as them (unless brown is now considered white) So hahaha jew dumb is bad while some guy makes jokes about horse peen and even said or advocated for CSAM (if it's "ethical", no matter what you say, it's still illegal and disgusting, "ethical" or not)
Yea, i remember seeing that stuff an it clearly isnt a joke, just his fetishes.
In a way, it did worsen the problem and I don't support his actions too, he should have went to a very conservative country and find himself a wife (take her home or just stay in her home country) over that, it basically made it worse: It got so bad that a bunch of sites had to be shut off temporarily due to the footage spreading like wildlife and possible hate speech laws increasing. There's countries that prosecute right-wingers, not sure if New Zealand is one of them yet allow radfems advocating for murder of all men (lets not forget that some radfems even admit to cheering about little boys getting abused because "revenge for the patricharchy") and similar.
I believe it was also the justification they used to take away everyone's guns there too, so now people cant even defend themselves from criminals, including the ones they import. This is something i find so stupid about mass shooters. Why is every mass shooter literally the dumbest person ever so makes everything worse. What ever happened to the times people were like the IRA. Whatever you think of them, the IRA actually used violence in an effective way to get the politicians to change rather than just shoot up random people. Not that I'm advocating for violence but if you are doomer enough to do it, why is it never like the IRA anymore?
Let's not forget that it seems like some people get lenient punishments due to identity or position of power, that's why you see criminals and scumbags out in the street despite what they did.
> I read a story about a girl who ran a zoophile network on Telegram and she was free and she even admits to continuing the same behavior she got arrested for in a different state where it's legal but when a man does the same thing, he gets a life sentence and more jail time.
> Uvalde police did nothing when Sal shot up those kids, all they did was laze around or not do their job and prosecute those who tried to rescue their kids while Sal kept shooting at them and police did nothing.
> Lets not forget a cop in the UK/Europe held down a guy defending himself from a scumbag and the cop got the wrong guy so the scumbag stabbed the cop and got away with it.Yet a few white guys fighting back against their bully or defending himself and his gf from ethnic creeps and people lose their minds and believe they're humanity's greatest threats. If we were in a just society, everyone would get the same punishment regardless of identity or position in society but it seems like people prosecute people lightly because of the past, "system failing them", and stereotypes like "women are caregivers, nurturers" while I've seen some deranged women who shouldn't even be walking in the streets at all.
yea thats just anarcho tyranny type stuff. Civilization is so messed up right now, i wish we had governments like japan or singapore that actually fully enforce the laws justly, instead of just letting random brown and black criminals run free to murder and steal, and then throwing white people who violate some obscure business regulation in jail or people who defend their property.