
nazi question

Posted under General

bleachedmilf said:

hi im a dumb shitskinned monkey, i was just wondering how many of you supiore white men are actually nazis? if so pls pls pls dm me!

I’m very curious about the number of people on this site who consider themselves nazis.

really depends on what people mean. i tend to defend the nazi party in germany, but i wouldnt support their policies, in abstract. It's more just that weimar germany was so messed up that those policies were fine for that time and place.

I might defend some of their beliefs (especially Hitler’s) but I wouldn’t consider myself a nazi. I’m too libertarian irl to be down for literal national socialism, but that being said it’s really not as bad as people love to make it out.

Nye said:

I’m very curious about the number of people on this site who consider themselves nazis.

What kind? Actual nazis? Aka the ones in Nazi Germany?

For me, no-ish, I agree with some alt-right stuff but actual nazism? No. I mean there's left wingers that may disagree with the trans stuff, even some troons (those are kind of rare) and pooners will disagree with the childhood transitioning stuff. Then you got conservatives specifically the women who still hold feminist views but are not radfems aka women who believe in women > men. Hell, even you see Latinos who are legal disagreeing with immigration despite being descendants of immigrants except he got papers unlike his parents so anything is possible.

Also the reason why people make it out to be that because they only got sources from schools, only the "correct" side, biased medias, and the like.

Genuine nazis would have their skin crawling just at the thought of being around anyone that isn't aryan and breathing the same air as them. So yeah, they're definitely not gonna be here.
I do wonder the genuine percentage of people here that are actually white.. there's quite a few that seem like fakes/larpers.