
Your opinions on the current riots in Britian?

Posted under General

yarblharbl said:

It's probably a psyop, but

Here's hoping the spirit of the empire is not completely dead and the cancer can be removed before it's too late.

If any Brits are in here and read this good luck.

Britian is disarmed so they cant do anything. You can literally have tens of thousands of white british girls get raped by pakis and still nothing happens, in america at least people would be getting killed. (yes there are pedophiles in usa but it's done in secret so the masses dont know and like a dad molesting his daughter or so on. Anytime you get a place even suspected of child trafficking some schizo goes there with an Ar15 to check it out, like that pizza place)

Fat_white_cock said:

Tbh, the rage for all of those years needs to go somewhere, it's not fair those 3 kids died, and many more got raped, at least now many knows not to trust the immigrants even more than before, if this comes to nothing, but i hope it does

it should go to the government, they are the ones that bring them in. The muslims and nonwhites are just like tools used to stick on the population.

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