
What countries do you consider "white" countries

Posted under General

Hey, bleachbooru. I've been wondering for a long long time, what countries do you consider, to be "white". In other words, what countries do you consider dominated by white people. As a Latina that's not from Argentina, I would say that Argentina is a "white" country. But I would love to know what other countries do you consider "white".

RamiBleached said:

Hey, bleachbooru. I've been wondering for a long long time, what countries do you consider, to be "white". In other words, what countries do you consider dominated by white people. As a Latina that's not from Argentina, I would say that Argentina is a "white" country. But I would love to know what other countries do you consider "white".

This is an interesting question, on the one hand, it is clear that white countries are all countries where whites live, but there are people who consider white countries to be only countries belonging to some cultural group or those countries whose people have never mixed with representatives of other races, so everyone will have their own answer. Personally, I think that white countries are all European countries (including Russia, which some people do not call a European country) and former colonies of European countries to which there used to be active colonial migration from the metropolis and other European countries where the population consisted of white and mixed populations

All Europe except Albania, Kosovo (if someone on this site thinkink its country), Bosnia and Turkey, and also white countries its Canada, USA, and people in South Africa (hope they will have their own country in future), and of course country like Argentina and Brazilia have some pure white citizens, almost forgot Australia and New Zeland its white too.

R29SS said:

All Europe except Albania, Kosovo (if someone on this site thinkink its country), Bosnia and Turkey, and also white countries its Canada, USA, and people in South Africa (hope they will have their own country in future), and of course country like Argentina and Brazilia have some pure white citizens, almost forgot Australia and New Zeland its white too.

Oranda is the country that belongs to the Afrikaans. Dutch settlers who settled south Africa.

Any european country or nation that is majority european descendants ( like USA & Australia ) I consider to be white while everything else is non-white, argentina falls on this list.
I tend to group via content so Latinas include everyone in central & south america, asians are all of asia and africans are from all of Africa.

I'm in Asia and consider roughly that white countries are: All of Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

But Europe is quite complicated and I sometimes bump into confusions lol

bleachbits said:

any country that is >75% white, maybe even more. Switzerland? idk.

Wouldn't count America anymore. I think it would be any country that was supermajority white when it was founded. America is only like 65% white now, but at it's founding it was made by white people.

RamiBleached said:

Hey, bleachbooru. I've been wondering for a long long time, what countries do you consider, to be "white". In other words, what countries do you consider dominated by white people. As a Latina that's not from Argentina, I would say that Argentina is a "white" country. But I would love to know what other countries do you consider "white".

USA BABY! America number one!

RamiBleached said:

Hey, bleachbooru. I've been wondering for a long long time, what countries do you consider, to be "white". In other words, what countries do you consider dominated by white people. As a Latina that's not from Argentina, I would say that Argentina is a "white" country. But I would love to know what other countries do you consider "white".

Brazil 70% of the population is a direct descendant of Europeans such as Italy and Portugal, etc., 43% of the population being considered white, 43% mixed race and 10% black

BleachAnya said:

Brazil 70% of the population is a direct descendant of Europeans such as Italy and Portugal, etc., 43% of the population being considered white, 43% mixed race and 10% black

Bro ive been to brazil, it's the most mutt place in the world. Everyone is like third black, third native, third white or just former black slaves. No way it's a white country.

fkiblaze said:

Bro ive been to brazil, it's the most mutt place in the world. Everyone is like third black, third native, third white or just former black slaves. No way it's a white country.

Now the south of it though...

Not a single country in the world. The ruling elite of all European-majority states, except maybe Orania (a small town in South Africa) are clearly against Whiteness as a concept. Even the third world is more pro-White than these "White" countries are. Seriously, if you go to India then you'll be treated as a God amongst men in certain places there. If you try to form a White identity today then you're a racist, bigot, oppressor etc. because (((Leon Trotsky))) said so 100 years ago in his Communist schizo rabbles. The closest you'll get is some European states like Hungary and Belarus which refuse mass immigration, are somewhat conservative and with a decent national identity (with a decisive European majority as well)

If you're only looking at the current demographics... Then I'll say the whole of Europe and some scarce parts of America are White countries since they maintain a European majority. Obviously America isn't a White country anymore though, since the amount of PURE Europeans is literally below 50% now (Ashkenazi jews and muttified non-pure Whites make pure-Whites an ABSOLUTE MINORITY in today's America) and more Whites die every day than are born in that dying shithole country we call "The United States of America"

R29SS said:

All Europe except Albania, Kosovo (if someone on this site thinkink its country), Bosnia and Turkey, and also white countries its Canada, USA, and people in South Africa (hope they will have their own country in future), and of course country like Argentina and Brazilia have some pure white citizens, almost forgot Australia and New Zeland its white too.

This. Basically other than Albanians, Turks, and Bosniaks all of Europe is White except the gypsies and jews. And the diaspora lives in the USA, Canada, etc. and is generally also pure White even if mixed with other Europeans.