
Are Eastern Europeans White?

Posted under General

Yes, Eastern Europeans are white, but if for you a white person is a person who not only has white skin color, but also belongs to a certain culture, then everything is not so simple

lovecrown21 said:

White skin means you're white

Then some japanese are white.

lovecrown21 said:

Yes but we both know they will disagree. Which cancels out the Whiteness

Ashkenazi are mixed race. They are half semitic, half european.

Zel said:

Are they white? Do polacks, russians, romanis live up to the same status as nordics and germanics? What are your thoughts?

Are americans white? It's the same question. Some Russians are white, some are Asiatic, most are mixed race. As for eastern europe slavs, most are white, but not all are germanic. czech, hungary, and similar more central europe countries however do have germanic peoples. IE the former austria-hungarian empire