Jesus being against genocide? Sure, he will recant the genocide of the Baalists, and will take back what is said in Revelations. Wasn't he the one that brought up the prophecy of strange tongues?
I despise sapphic cultists, I've had enough of the Prots, Progs, Zen, and so on. Utopian worldviews are decisively anti-human, and the motte in the motte and bailley of current civil decay. Righteous fury is better than impotence or adulation.
I digress on the economic policy in the Third Reich, it is plainly Marxist. The EU has carried out the intended economic policy for Europe of the Third Reich to fruition. Same as well with the replacement and genocide of Jordanians who still lived there for thousands of years with and by Chabadi who have literally no birthright or blood tie to the region, which was carried out by the English in lieu of, again the Third Reich.
Truly, a dead ideology with no basis in modern reality.
Lets not talk about oven math, the anthropological marvel of Mien Kampf, views on cultural isolationism and thus preservation, wanting to escape financial serfdom, among other things. On a less savory note, how the Nazis were at the time extremely lenient about eugenics compared to where they learned it from. 1/8 is more forgiving than nary a drop. Per cripples, iirc Finland and Iceland are quite wild in their extermination and abortions.
To say the least of the American Nazi Party, no relation to the Third Reich funnily enough, being honestly prescient of things to come.
vv @IvoryFuta-II