Oriflamme said:
Catholicism is a way of life, it's just far more rational in its approaches to basically anything than Islam ever could be. I don't blame you about Islam, it's an Arabizing cult, but secular people just don't like seeing religion inform a majority of people's worldview anywhere. People in the US have been saying Christians are Nazis for years now because people won't give into this idea that religion is just this nice trinket or ornament on your life that never ever gets mentioned ever.
Islam has so many rules and forbidden things that is basically a new way of life - you have to mosque once per day minimum, are expected to pray 5 times a day, can't eat certain foods , have to only eat at night for a whole ass month, among other things , it becomes such a part of your life in a way christanity and judaism don't - if you're catholic you read a bible passage every night and go to church on sunday so i can understand WHY they get so defensive over the religion , it's literally a way of life for them H O W E V E R they're so zealous about their own religion and invite challenge only to turn into vicious bigots when someone takes up that challenge.
It's a behaviour I only ever see with muslims , christians nor jews nor buddhists , nor hindus are so boastful and arrogant about their religion and yet they fail to see how ugly this makes them and their religion look to outsiders