
Thoughts on Arabs/Muslims?

Posted under General

AryanSuperSoldier said:

The crusades didn’t really fail. If anything the first 3 were a collective success.

It depends on the lense you view them from and the crusades had multiple goals not just one singular desire - the primary goal was to stop the islamic caliphate expanding into europe as they'd started encroaching on Spain in driving the muslims out of Europe I'd argue the crusades were a major success that lasted for 800 years ( until about 1950 - Britian and other european nations started taking in masses of pakistani & arab immigrants to help rebuild - resulting in the chaos in Europe today )

If you view it from the secondary goal of " We must take Jerasluem! " then, yes they did fail.

Arab men are garbage, their women should be freed by white Christians. Now Syriacs, great people and even better women. Shame about the Arabization just like with Berbers and other North Africans. Berber women are incredible.

IvoryFutaIII said:

Ultimately what gets me is their pure and unrestricted zealousy - they're so boastful and prideful of their religion while at the same time being so insecure in it - they'll claim it's the one true religion but start sending death & rape threats to anyone who publically opposes their religion , they're so blinded in their faith they fail to see blatent contridictions in their own scripture ( " Islam is just! " - permits slavery ) even when I straight up explain to my friend how Islam's idea of dating is sexist because it takes all agency away from the woman ( the final say isn't theirs, it's a man's ) he just denies it and then shifts the goal post because ( " It's safer for the woman! " ) - I just don't get it, my only conclusion is that muslims are like this because the religion indoctrinates them - it's not just a religion like christanity or judaism it's a way of life that controls their every day from when they are born

Catholicism is a way of life, it's just far more rational in its approaches to basically anything than Islam ever could be. I don't blame you about Islam, it's an Arabizing cult, but secular people just don't like seeing religion inform a majority of people's worldview anywhere. People in the US have been saying Christians are Nazis for years now because people won't give into this idea that religion is just this nice trinket or ornament on your life that never ever gets mentioned ever.

IvoryFutaIII said:

Ultimately what gets me is their pure and unrestricted zealousy - they're so boastful and prideful of their religion while at the same time being so insecure in it - they'll claim it's the one true religion but start sending death & rape threats to anyone who publically opposes their religion , they're so blinded in their faith they fail to see blatent contridictions in their own scripture ( " Islam is just! " - permits slavery ) even when I straight up explain to my friend how Islam's idea of dating is sexist because it takes all agency away from the woman ( the final say isn't theirs, it's a man's ) he just denies it and then shifts the goal post because ( " It's safer for the woman! " ) - I just don't get it, my only conclusion is that muslims are like this because the religion indoctrinates them - it's not just a religion like christanity or judaism it's a way of life that controls their every day from when they are born

Ethnonarcicism. It's not just related to islam. A lot of black people do it to. As i stated much earlier people give ideas too much weight when most of it is just biology. Islam is just the arab racial spirit made into a culture. It was a guy who was a successful warlord from a specific region of the world who wanted to be worshiped, that is not all that uncommon.

Oriflamme said:

Catholicism is a way of life, it's just far more rational in its approaches to basically anything than Islam ever could be. I don't blame you about Islam, it's an Arabizing cult, but secular people just don't like seeing religion inform a majority of people's worldview anywhere. People in the US have been saying Christians are Nazis for years now because people won't give into this idea that religion is just this nice trinket or ornament on your life that never ever gets mentioned ever.

Islam has so many rules and forbidden things that is basically a new way of life - you have to mosque once per day minimum, are expected to pray 5 times a day, can't eat certain foods , have to only eat at night for a whole ass month, among other things , it becomes such a part of your life in a way christanity and judaism don't - if you're catholic you read a bible passage every night and go to church on sunday so i can understand WHY they get so defensive over the religion , it's literally a way of life for them H O W E V E R they're so zealous about their own religion and invite challenge only to turn into vicious bigots when someone takes up that challenge.

It's a behaviour I only ever see with muslims , christians nor jews nor buddhists , nor hindus are so boastful and arrogant about their religion and yet they fail to see how ugly this makes them and their religion look to outsiders

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