
WWO, East Asian women or Jewish women?

Posted under General

Who has a higher status in the world of WWO, East Asian women or Jewish women?
I've been writing a story recently about a white supremacist world in general
But I don't know what to do about the status of Jewish women, I mean I think they're white, they should oppress us with the Anglo-Saxons, they should be on a par with their masters, but I'd like your opinion

So for me, if we talk about racem then jewish people are a bit complicated to just catogorize into white and non-white.
Essencially, youre a jew for judaism if your mother is born jewish. At the same time if we go all historical and with that "rule" kept in mind, every jew's ancestors are atleast ending somewhere in the middle east.
But as we all know, if we go THAT far into our ancestorial history then we all end up in modern day ethopia so we should focuse more on recent history.
Jew's are a mixed "race". There are black jews who originated in modern day ethopia/horn of east africa, brown/middle eastern in today's morocco, iraq, syria, lebanon, israel (of course), iran, turkey, etc. Modern day "white" jews originate from europe/eastern europe (allthough due to the holocaust, this group was reduced significally in the second world war).
Even in modern day "white" jews, many were married into "european" households. Before the second world war, it was normal for jews and catholics in germany to marry. Nobody was that much strict about their religiona nd some people didn't knew they were jewish.
There are also a few of indian/chinese jews but they are a really small minority.

All in all, the jewish "race" is complicated to categorize it as such. At the same time, you can't really call it just a religion like christianity or islam, which accepts more conversions and looks at those converts as full christians or muslims.

Now if we just look at the racial point, only the really white/european jews could be superior to east asians.
I say could because i'm just one white guy talking about race of people on a porn site focused on raceplay.

If you go by the nazis jews would be the lowest, but in other types, id still think eat asians would be higher than jews in most far-right non-nazi ideologies.

the_polbwcV2 said:

But as we all know, if we go THAT far into our ancestorial history then we all end up in modern day ethopia so we should focuse more on recent history.

A lot of people on the right dont really believe that anymore because there are way too many fossils found in modern times in europe and the caucus of human ancestors that predate that theory by over a hundred thousand years, and the out of africa theory doesnt really explain all those proto-human fossils in europe. It's more just woke history

The first victims from nazi's Germany were, put simply, Germans. Being Hebrew, Jehovah's witness, masons... anybody who lost limbs in the line of duty/job. They were German citizens in Germany who randomly did born or chose to join those "clubs" unaware of the impeding s_hit-ler future was coming.

The concept of the wwo is just pantomime of the already ridiculous bnwo: neither the two do have anything sexy or kinky in it.

A more positive and fruitful way to see the bleached thing, is having white males as bull duties over beautiful and feminine foreigner civilizations. Instead trashing everything else for psycho narcissistic reasons (or self harming from the point of view of PoC)


Orthodox jews are worst of worst but jews that are essentially white but have jewish faith if they convert to christianty and get bleached and there jewishness is forgotten then their fine east asians are okay i would jews and east asians on same level

Most jews are white, but their long history of cultural distinction gives them a tendency to work for their own best interest at the expense of white people. It is their culture which should be attacked, rather than their DNA. We should not kill them or sterilize them. Just gaslight them. destroy their history, and tell them over and over again that they are white people or Arabs.