I don't know about many original bleached-only artists but here's everyone I remember off of the top of my head that has done bleached at one point or another (combination of drawn and 3d): freshnsfw I bleacherart I bleachingpov I haus_3d I saviorkuria I sangsangatsange I vemsky3d I f_p_y_ I not_enough_milk I evander910 (my bad if I forgot any of y'all)
There are more but I forgot their names and only remember what they made: 1 3D furry artist, 2 people that draw and only post on the booru, 1 mmd 3D artist, and at least 4 others I saw on some godforsaken Russian website that I couldn't even read the text of and that only post there. But I could be mistaken about the Russian website, either way, I couldn't read the runespeak. Also, if you're looking for artists in other categories rather than drawing/3d there are some pretty neat botmakers and captionists that do an amazing job at what they do!