
Trump's Inaguration

Posted under General

Poesix69 said:

Sorry but there is multiple latins who have white ( spanish ) and only white DNA

Do most is mixed to a point they shouldn't been considered one race? Yea, I agree, but still assuming all are like this is just begin ignorant on purose

I mean latinos with 100% european dna arent really latinos, they are europeans that moved to latin america countries. Latino implies european mixed with native, just like how an african who moved to germany isnt a german.

Poesix69 said:

And sorry for necro posting but I have to ask;

How you guys feel with AfD begin second most popular part in Germany winning 19.5%

Sadly CDU keeps begin nr.1 with 29% of votes

AfD should be 50% kinda sad it's low.

TheBlondAnthropologist said:

AfD is really winning but Angela Merkel's clammy rotten hands are changing the results from next to the grave

what's this based on cause it seems like AfD is still the second highest.

Poesix69 said:

And sorry for necro posting but I have to ask;

How you guys feel with AfD begin second most popular part in Germany winning 19.5%

Sadly CDU keeps begin nr.1 with 29% of votes

GERMANY Let itself be taken over by literal KARENS! JD Vance pretty much went over there, called the Germans out for arresting it's citizens for as little as shit posting online... then get this, the German "male" prime minister resigned or some shit, and cried on stage like a little pathetic bitch. WAKE UP!

(Edit: funny how you mentioned *necro positing* you know...because my name)

ZombiBoi said:

GERMANY Let itself be taken over by literal KARENS! JD Vance pretty much went over there, called the Germans out for arresting it's citizens for as little as shit posting online... then get this, the German "male" prime minister resigned or some shit, and cried on stage like a little pathetic bitch. WAKE UP!

(Edit: funny how you mentioned *necro positing* you know...because my name)

east germany needs to secede from the west.

Anyone with opinions about Ukraine war and how Trump deals with it?

Part of me is happy we can have a chance to end this shit, since too many white men died already, but licking Russian boots just feels bad.

Poesix69 said:

Anyone with opinions about Ukraine war and how Trump deals with it?

Part of me is happy we can have a chance to end this shit, since too many white men died already, but licking Russian boots just feels bad.

send more money to Zelensky)) it's not that disgusting, right?

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