
Message from a black man to Bleached.

Posted under General

I just want to start this post by saying i am not here to fight bleached.

I am here to thank it.

So interracial porn is one of my things, never complained if the man or women were different races , never found it strange and never condoned it.

Till the blacked spam started happening.

You see i don't really have a race shame, here on Brazil i always felt racism was not something as big as people made it out to be.

I studied on a public school, I had asians, white, black, mixed friends from rich to poor.

We always got along, we called our white friends nego, we all share she same hairstyles, liked the same music, and sometimes called each other by racial slurs but it was never serious nor with meaning.

It was all good fun.

I grew up in a culture that all people saw each other as equals.

So when I browse the internet, looking for smut and other erotica and see the word Blacked.

My face cringes in disgust.

I always ask, 'why this?'

It is the only moment in my life that i feel prejudiced, that I feel attacked.

I am human for God sake, not some sexual object.

What makes us so special?

I lived through high school with a bunch of horny teens that spoke openly about this stuff and there was never a preference of a certain race that this movement makes us out to be.

I liked the contrast between white and black.

But recently i lost pleasure in watching the BM side of porn.

It is always accompanied by BBC, Bull, Blacked,Owned.

The fuck did we fight racism for.

For us to be privileged and be the ones that spew racism?

I can assure to people of bleached that only a minority of black people like this Blacked stuff.

Most of these South American artists are either forced to make this art for a living.

Many of them make brown characters, which it does not mean they are black.

But since the art is always categorized as dark skinned male the blacked folks hit them with blacked and ntr commissions.

A good example of this is Spakka5, the guy or gal has a clear preference for white skin.

A bad example of south american artists is leviatan who literally drove into the movement and waste his talent by propagating this racist shit.

What i want to say is...


For providing folks like me that enjoy this genre.

Continuem fazendo as edições e promovam mais as artes desse estilo.

Valeu pela atenção negada.

tbh, im racist, but only towards bad people like illegal immigrants, or shitty muslims
I could've be an friend with a nigga, only if he was normal, and not some wanna be gangsta or porn addict
But im a white woman, so being honest ofcourse some nigga will try to make a move on me, so thats why i dont have any black friends
But being truly honest? I think this isnt a fetish at all. Everything can be turned into fetish, im a white gal, that lives in a fully white country, i will marry and have kids with an white boy, i dont see niggas or other races on my streets, i see damn nationalists and skinheads and that speaks a lot where i am.
As an pretty religious person, I wish i never saw blacked, or any porn in general, after all, all of us are made in God's image, but God never intented that differences will be sexualized, fuck lust, fuck damn sexualization and many other stuff.

Blacked/BBC was never created by black people, neither white people per se.
The concept was built around the "industry" around the black slaves from Africa in which both north and south America were target (I am not blame shift to the Americas: clearly european empires and America share the guilt). If you make business with people this way, you just need few voices telling "but there are mother and children over there" to make the whole business to collapse... so you need to go on the opposite direction: this is when you push for masculinization (adult men can take the abuse of hard work) and dehumanization. The is the seed for the african = masculine savage. In the past bigger penis was always intended comedic effect, so... here you go: that's the full circle for the narrative. Dehumanization and comedy.

Modern society it's more complex than that. People like blacked/bleached for different reason, sometimes also with inner conflict (in this community there's ton of nazi crap from people that can't understand nazi were at the opposite side of raceplay mixing).

Generally speaking, any form of bdsm shouldn't a product for general public (there are children in the general public) but more about a well guards, safe, sane and consensual community. This specific community, bleachbooru, is (I am afraid to say) NOT the case due the tolerance towards nazi and loli/shots. Those groups, nazi and pedo, are kicked from practically anywhere else... for this reason you get an unhealthy representation of such stuff in there.

If you're really interested into bleached raceplay (xenophilic white men dominating beautiful and submissive people of color)... I suggest you to take a look to some bleached discord server where nazi, pedo and underage are banned

UsernamesAreOutdated said:

tbh, im racist, but only towards bad people like illegal immigrants, or shitty muslims
I could've be an friend with a nigga, only if he was normal, and not some wanna be gangsta or porn addict
But im a white woman, so being honest ofcourse some nigga will try to make a move on me, so thats why i dont have any black friends

I for one refuse to accept that definition of Racism given by conniving Marxists. It’s prejudice, which is something humans are predisposed to for a reason. The Liberal creed of not judging people based on these things has gotten plenty of people raped and or killed. “Stereotypes exist for a reason” and all that jazz. That’s something that women in particular ought to be conscious of, so you’re doing the right thing.

simpyblack said:

curious do people on blacked message board talk about bleach as much as people here talk about blacked

Something tells me you are not asking that out of curiosity because nothing is stopping you from going over to those Spaces to check.

While you are over there could you check if their forums are filled with these 0 comments, 0 favorites, 1 forum post accounts who only post things to agitate users on that forum?

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

Something tells me you are not asking that out of curiosity because nothing is stopping you from going over to those Spaces to check.

While you are over there could you check if their forums are filled with these 0 comments, 0 favorites, 1 forum post accounts who only post things to agitate users on that forum?

I don't go on blacked dooru that much. Since I can find plenty of rule24 and devinart. More then I can find bleech. Bleach a bit more nichie so a site dedicated I saved in my bookmark
And since this guy been on blacked forum for a while, figure he would know more then me checking it for a few minutes. He have a better idea how frequently the topic comes up them me making a scan of it.

Didn't mean to offend
But you know what I will check

simpyblack said:

I don't go on blacked dooru that much. Since I can find plenty of rule24 and devinart. More then I can find bleech. Bleach a bit more nichie so a site dedicated I saved in my bookmark
And since this guy been on blacked forum for a while, figure he would know more then me checking it for a few minutes. He have a better idea how frequently the topic comes up them me making a scan of it.

Didn't mean to offend
But you know what I will check

If by "this guy" you mean the thread creator; then he did not make any references to the blacked booru in his post nor did he say he has spent any significant time on there. Or am I missing something?

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

If by "this guy" you mean the thread creator; then he did not make any references to the blacked booru in his post nor did he say he has spent any significant time on there. Or am I missing something?

Hey there, i been summoned and yes I had in the past visited blacked booru, the posts back then were a little bit more tame and less racist than they are now.

As far as my knowledge from back then (and my checking of the site right now), there doesn't appear to be a forum for discussion like bleached.

They are mostly making lewd comments and weird roleplay on the image posts.

And by when I say black people are not into the whole bnwo and blacked stuff i mean it.

The whole afrocentrism movement is not as well favoured in black internet communities, we generally think it's dumb (but there are folks that support it).

The only place i can imagine there being a large quantity of black people into this fetish is on the 8chan interracial board (which is ironic since they only post Black male content on that board and do not give attention to women of our race).

Those guys are hardcore racists.

Take what i say with a bit of salt However, i am speaking from my experience and I don't speak nor represent all Africans on the matter.

We are humans as well (tough some people like to fetishize us into something different)

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