
Wtf is wrong with 'cucks'

Posted under General

I cannot imagine more of a subhuman ,degenerate and disgusting fetish than this 'cucks' .
Would place even cannibalism fetish as respectable than this.

I have a passion for psychology and truly wonder what the fuck went wrong with them? Do they outsource masculinity to others because they never developed it or had a strong masculine figure in their lives?

I remember many years ago i stumbled on stories on4chan of the aftermath of such relationships after doing it, woman would lose all respect for their bf/husband as a man and treat them differently after ,they both build up resentment for each other and end up breaking up eventually.
I wonder what goes in their heads but i cannot imagine anything healthy. Dont understand why would they destroy their relationships and hurt each other like this.

BwcAndWholesome said:

I cannot imagine more of a subhuman ,degenerate and disgusting fetish than this 'cucks' .
Would place even cannibalism fetish as respectable than this.

I have a passion for psychology and truly wonder what the fuck went wrong with them? Do they outsource masculinity to others because they never developed it or had a strong masculine figure in their lives?

I remember many years ago i stumbled on stories on4chan of the aftermath of such relationships after doing it, woman would lose all respect for their bf/husband as a man and treat them differently after ,they both build up resentment for each other and end up breaking up eventually.
I wonder what goes in their heads but i cannot imagine anything healthy. Dont understand why would they destroy their relationships and hurt each other like this.

I dont think they think about it rationally, it's just coom brain for them. Idk why youd take that into irl tho. Like just fap and get the post nut clarity then stop thinking with coom brain.

For me it used to be a combination of insecurity, desperation and hornyness. Being depressed at the time didn't help either. I'm glad i managed to crawl out of that hole, being a cuck is fucking awful, and you don't realize how sad it is until after you get over that shit and change yourself.

xdude15 said:

For me it used to be a combination of insecurity, desperation and hornyness. Being depressed at the time didn't help either. I'm glad i managed to crawl out of that hole, being a cuck is fucking awful, and you don't realize how sad it is until after you get over that shit and change yourself.

Im glad you overcame it, its really sad. These dudes are the biggest porn addicts out there and i cannot really imagine any woman ever respecting them or seriously taking them in relationship , its just self destruction . A healthy relationship is infinitely more rewarding than any kink ,especially one as degrading as this.
I read before that it might be related to testosterone issues as well, that some trans addicted to it stopped when taking testosterone injections. it makes sense since trans are mostly into this and worst type of degeneracy

BwcAndWholesome said:

Im glad you overcame it, its really sad. These dudes are the biggest porn addicts out there and i cannot really imagine any woman ever respecting them or seriously taking them in relationship , its just self destruction . A healthy relationship is infinitely more rewarding than any kink ,especially one as degrading as this.
I read before that it might be related to testosterone issues as well, that some trans addicted to it stopped when taking testosterone injections. it makes sense since trans are mostly into this and worst type of degeneracy

I want to add that some people are more vulnerable to becoming cucks than other people. If you're a 6 ft+ chad with a huge dick, your chances of becoming a cuck are close to 0. If you're not a very manly guy, well, you're more likely to fall prey to this bullshit. Looks matter - in a lot of ways, they actually decide a lot of how you're going to do in life. A lot of those trans people probably went through this kind of process : I am wimp and a loser > I can't get a girlfriend > become obsessed with porn and women > i'll become the girlfriend. Incredibly fucked,when you think about it.

xdude15 said:

I want to add that some people are more vulnerable to becoming cucks than other people. If you're a 6 ft+ chad with a huge dick, your chances of becoming a cuck are close to 0. If you're not a very manly guy, well, you're more likely to fall prey to this bullshit. Looks matter - in a lot of ways, they actually decide a lot of how you're going to do in life. A lot of those trans people probably went through this kind of process : I am wimp and a loser > I can't get a girlfriend > become obsessed with porn and women > i'll become the girlfriend. Incredibly fucked,when you think about it.

I never really thought about it that way but it makes perfect sense, Jesus Christ its worse than i thought. Ima need a spiritual cleanse after reading this.

xdude15 said:

I want to add that some people are more vulnerable to becoming cucks than other people. If you're a 6 ft+ chad with a huge dick, your chances of becoming a cuck are close to 0. If you're not a very manly guy, well, you're more likely to fall prey to this bullshit. Looks matter - in a lot of ways, they actually decide a lot of how you're going to do in life. A lot of those trans people probably went through this kind of process : I am wimp and a loser > I can't get a girlfriend > become obsessed with porn and women > i'll become the girlfriend. Incredibly fucked,when you think about it.

Yeah it's a self destruct process. This is why I highly advise people in the early stages to give paid sex a try, particularly escorts. The GFE, kissing, cuddling aspects feel good, on an emotional and biological way. No one deserves to be sexless, it can kill you. Humans are social creatures. As for the sex itself, it's the opportunity to learn, prove yourself that you are enough and can give pleasure to a woman. It's not the ultimate form of self-improvement plan, but it's one option, one tool that's available to anyone if you're ready to cut down on bs spendings like Apple shit or a gaming pc. The physical pleasure is the LEAST important part of that 1-2h you spend with her. It's more like a therapy, self improvement, self confidence boost. One day you'll be confident enough to tackle the real thing. Of course there are many risks with paid sex: legal aspect, security, scams, addiction, actually falling for the girl and, since I'm indirectly talking to porn addicts, of course you'll be using condoms, dumbass

As for the trans people... Well to become a trans you most likely have mental issues already, so you're very likely to develop other ones, in a snowball effect. The absurd suicide attempt rate speaks for itself. The left loves to think that if we were all tolerant it would fix everything but that's not true, trans would still hate themselves or pretend they don't.


JostoBWC said:

Yeah it's a self destruct process. This is why I highly advise people in the early stages to give paid sex a try, particularly escorts. The GFE, kissing, cuddling aspects feel good, on an emotional and biological way. No one deserves to be sexless, it can kill you. Humans are social creatures. As for the sex itself, it's the opportunity to learn, prove yourself that you are enough and can give pleasure to a woman. It's not the ultimate form of self-improvement plan, but it's one option, one tool that's available to anyone if you're ready to cut down on bs spendings like Apple shit or a gaming pc. The physical pleasure is the LEAST important part of that 1-2h you spend with her. It's more like a therapy, self improvement, self confidence boost. One day you'll be confident enough to tackle the real thing. Of course there are many risks with paid sex: legal aspect, security, scams, addiction, actually falling for the girl and, since I'm indirectly talking to porn addicts, of course you'll be using condoms, dumbass

Very true and very good way of looking at the situation, i've thought about escorts before, but i don't think i've got the balls to do it. That lack of an intimate touch can absolutely ruin a person.

As for the trans people... Well to become a trans you most likely have mental issues already, so you're very likely to develop other ones, in a snowball effect. The absurd suicide attempt rate speaks for itself. The left loves to think that if we were all tolerant it would fix everything but that's not true, trans would still hate themselves or pretend they don't.

Brutal truth nuke. I hope this madness will end one day.

btw most troons are BNWO sissies or some shit
Being honest, i think whole BNWO porn addiction is just an natural selection. Seriously, let cucks die, while real white men will continue living without giving a fuck, fucking white girls and making white babies

The problem is that everything is fine with cuckolds, these people are who they should be, why are they becoming them? Due to various reasons, problems in childhood, low sensitivity to physical and emotional pain, and so on. The biggest problem with cuckolds is that in our world, there are people who promote such a lifestyle, who break the psyche of young men and women, making such a lifestyle acceptable, which is very sad... So my verdict is, I don't care about all those cuckolds who came into this degenerative fetish voluntarily, let them sink to the bottom of degeneration, and I sincerely feel sorry for those cuckolds who became such under the influence of external forces, and those who are persuaded to adopt the lifestyle of a cuckold.

Ah shit, here we go again.

No though if i was willing to bet cucks just have a kink for being humilated/emasculated - a lot of said " cucks " are also into the rougher/more hardcore sides of femdom and have similarly misogonistic kinks.

You can debate why and say " it just ain't natural bo'ah " all you want but that's more than likely the reason a good 85% of the time.