
interracial or white supremacy

Posted under General

I was wondering if the people, mostly the white men, into this kink would prefer to fuck or marry interracial or with white women. Like obviously this whole kink is about white men fucking women of other races, but at the same time it's clearly about white supremacy and making white babies.
This question kinda also goes for nonwhite women, would you prefer to have mixed halfwhite babies or not spread your genes? That question is probably easier to answer though lmao. I myself am a white woman so i'm just here for the hot porn, white supremacy (and the surrising amount of femboys in this kink, definitely a plus)

The White Supremacy aspect to Bleached is a big part of its appeal for me. The idea of White Men dominating women of other races, in some cases even getting them to go ultra masochistic and admit inferiority, is all kinds of hot (and a mood lifter, at least for me).

When it comes to IRL though my stance is “what you do is your own business, I’ll do my own thing”, and in this case “my own thing” is “you could not pay me to touch non-white pussy”. The idea of an irl interracial relationship for me is a MAJOR turn off (especially if it’s with a nigger, instant no).

The only exception would be if they were the aforementioned ultra-masochistic type who’s okay with being seen and treated as lesser, but that type of person would be less a “partner” and more a “slave”, which while super hot as an idea, is also basically never happening IRL ever.

I didn’t need to include that last bit, but did anyway, because I’m weird.

Kinky bleachbooru answer: I WANT TO COLONISE THESE WOMEN!!!

Realistic answer: I honestly don't care, I'll probably settle down with a white woman just on the basis of the demographics of where I live but I wouldn't be opposed to my future spouse being arab, east asian, latina, black, mixed, etc
If I can save up some money for a holiday this or next year It'd be awesome to go to Mexico but I ain't stepping 1 foot outside of Mexico City I ain't tryna become a cartel statistic

Honestly what drew me into the whole kink was the inter-racial & bleached " branded " edits, I'm quite vocal on how annoying i find the 'eugenics' crowd in this kink to be.


IvoryFutaIII said:

Honestly what drew me into the whole kink was the inter-racial & bleached " branded " edits, I'm quite vocal on how annoying i find the 'eugenics' crowd in this kink to be.

And im the #1 eugenic kink fan

AryanSuperSoldier said:

Both, but realistically I’d prefer to settle and marry a white woman, if nothing for the language and cultural ease.

Yeah thats a bigger worry i imagine for Europeans. In America you could probably find many black, asian etc. Of the same culture as you but in Europe most foreigners havent been here for that long (yucky) and like dating a muslim must be tedious

ex-woke-blondie said:
I was wondering if the people, mostly the white men, into this kink would prefer to fuck or marry interracial or with white women. Like obviously this whole kink is about white men fucking women of other races, but at the same time it's clearly about white supremacy and making white babies.
This question kinda also goes for nonwhite women, would you prefer to have mixed halfwhite babies or not spread your genes? That question is probably easier to answer though lmao. I myself am a white woman so i'm just here for the hot porn, white supremacy (and the surrising amount of femboys in this kink, definitely a plus)

I at least fantasize about having like 100 gfs who really really really love me and are all White or at least Latina or something and can give me great kids. Realistically I know I can only have 1 wife. I think I'd prefer a monogamous relationship with a White girl but if she isn't keeping my dick busy/satisfied enough she might be surprised to see me bring another woman home for some extra satisfaction.

IvoryFutaIII said:
If I can save up some money for a holiday this or next year It'd be awesome to go to Mexico but I ain't stepping 1 foot outside of Mexico City I ain't tryna become a cartel statistic

bro we're about to invade mexico are you sure

AryanBreeder8 said:

I at least fantasize about having like 100 gfs who really really really love me and are all White or at least Latina or something and can give me great kids. Realistically I know I can only have 1 wife. I think I'd prefer a monogamous relationship with a White girl but if she isn't keeping my dick busy/satisfied enough she might be surprised to see me bring another woman home for some extra satisfaction.

bro we're about to invade mexico are you sure

I JUST LOVE LATINAS - also the odds of the U.S just randomly invading mexico are next to none.