My favorite part of this post are the questions. They're hot and fun. And easy to answer.
"Would my boyfriend notice it's not his.": Considering it looks better than he ever will? I'd say yes.
"Would my boyfriend be man enough to raise "his" child.": Even if he isn't; White Men are often better suited (and more likely) to be father figures anyhow.
"The white guy already came, why is he still going?": This one has plenty of answers, but its best to stick with the notion of you have his attention for now (White men do care more for their women's pleasure after all).
"Its been six hours, will I ever see my boyfriend again.": Hell, I'd love to meet their boyfriend too, thank him for keeping her tied down till I came through.
"How many white children will I want?": All of them, lol.
Then again, this could just be my freshly stimulated thoughts at 9 am, lol