Chi Chi is such a fantasy, though 1 8 would definitely have the better body. The Artist got the physiques mixed up, Chi Chi's perfect Body outshines 1 8's, it should be the other way around.
Chi Chi is such a fantasy, though 1 8 would definitely have the better body. The Artist got the physiques mixed up, Chi Chi's perfect Body outshines 1 8's, it should be the other way around.
White Women will always be Supirior to Asian Women.. Eighteen is far stronger than Chi Chi.. yet it seems like Chi Chi is completely Dominating eighteen. Eighteen only has 4 loads in her stockings, where as Chi Chi has 7. Not only that, Chi Chi is the one holding the bands while eighteen is leaking a fresh virile load from her perfect Aryan pussy.. meaning Chi Chi is the Pimp in this situation and Eighteen is getting bitched out. Chi Chi is Pimping her, and she must like it, because she has more than enough power to defeat Chi Chi, easily. seems like Aryan Eighteen and Chink Chi Chi are both flexing their wedding bands , but Chi Chi looks so much better with that cross tatroo on jet thigh