JokienStudios almost 2 years ago [hidden] She is lactacting, which means she is more than ready for a white baby <3Also personally I still think white cocks shouldnt be made to wear condoms, unless the man choose so 7 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
FGOismyreligion almost 2 years ago [hidden] JokienStudios said:She is lactacting, which means she is more than ready for a white baby <3Also personally I still think white cocks shouldnt be made to wear condoms, unless the man choose soDoesn't mean more than ready, actually means that the little chink probably put a little hole in the condoms her white master had been using💜 3 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
JokienStudios almost 2 years ago [hidden] FGOismyreligion said:Doesn't mean more than ready, actually means that the little chink probably put a little hole in the condoms her white master had been using💜like the way you are thinking, well she is gonna have fun being a single mum then 2 Reply Copy ID Copy Link