A world where every non white human girl gets only bleached clothes and either always wear it or nothing at all, not being allowed pants or skirts unless they go outside~? It’ll take about a week max before they either don’t wear it at all when grocery shopping or use their “good slave” points to order as much food as they can for non stop fucking, always having to tip but because they don’t have real money… always having to pay with their bodies for any service, no white balls ever needing to be full for kore than a minute if they dont want it~!
Tamamo's presence is usually a sign of disaster. She alone manipulated emperors and led countries like India, China and Japan to chaos. It's seems nothing was capable of putting an end to her mischievous streak... Until our unfortunate fox girl reached the West. It didn't take too long before she was tamed and turned into a proper slave and concubine.