When you post something on Bleachbooru, spending time for editting, looking for high-quality content to share on the booru and put on the tags, I expect the mods to look into the post and either accept it, or reject it for a valid reason. However, when the posts get automatically rejected if they were waiting for 3 long days and you CAN'T re-post them, my blood boils. I don't care if you can find the images via comments, they deserve to be fairly considered by moderation if they either make it to the Booru or not, so that you can search for them like all the normal approved posts.
I apologize for me being heated, but this is just wrong.
When you post something on Bleachbooru, spending time for editting, looking for high-quality content to share on the booru and put on the tags, I expect the mods to look into the post and either accept it, or reject it for a valid reason. However, when the posts get automatically rejected if they were waiting for 3 long days and you CAN'T re-post them, my blood boils. I don't care if you can find the images via comments, they deserve to be fairly considered by moderation if they either make it to the Booru or not, so that you can search for them like all the normal approved posts.
I apologize for me being heated, but this is just wrong.
I agree, it is pretty dumb, I quite like this post.