Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.
Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.
Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.
fuck thats sooo hot!! hope that taht would happen to me and all teh woman in my life!!
Filthy shitskins raped my sister and go around demanding respect for their chodes, these women are goddesses
Niggers are only about 18% of population, yet these same porch monkey coon ass slaves are 60% of all rape and murder, 70% of STD's an so on and so forth. Deporting them back to africa would make mkst rape and murder and STD s vsnish overnight.