Artist's commentary
WintR (or maybe not)
Was fiddling around with PixAI, ended up making a cute "Secretary" to a Commissar. For a quick rundown, since this is set in the same world as 2 of my captions over at @BleachedEurasia twitter:
1. A "secretary", "racial profiler" or any other name is basically the dispatch of the Commissar. This position is usually filled by a woman the commissar had tangence (i.e. he either fancied, dated or maybe even married) in the past. This is to give the commissar a reason to stay loyal, and a way to comfort him, since his work is usually more shady, and less public. (More like SWAT, tho with shades of SS and WH40K Inquisitors)
2. A "Commissar" (name kinda just stuck) is basically someone who detains non-Whites and anti-White dissidents. He is usually a man (tho femcom-malesec exist) who undergoes physical training and whatnot. Technically anyone can be a commissar but in reality the position is taken by those who were pre-vetted by the government for a few years. The secretary is his unofficial consort, so any relationship between them is not really uncommon.