"Oh Fern, you beautiful bitch. It's quite daring how you're showing your true feelings using your scrumptious body, and that's something I love about you. Say, why don't we go make out with each other and talk about the preservation of the White race while we do it? And then we can start a new mission to find White bitches from all over the world, make them into Nazi sluts like yourself, impregnate them, and whenever we get home I'll have a ton of White babies and a bunch of White women to make another batch of White babies! The 14 words never lie, after all. 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.' You love that idea? Yesssss!!! Come here Fern. You deserve all the kisses, my darling. Nazi sluts like you always get me going so much, you know that? I can't wait to absolutely ruin both your body with my cum and the chances that any inferior "male" has of even so much as looking at you. Now, how about we go find some niggers that have it out for us to beat up and fuck in front of them to show them what real sex looks like? Hehe, let's go babe~"
Proud Aryan women~ Nothing better in this world! Show off your body while we go show those inferior races why their lives don't matter shit!~ Be white and be proud!~