14Templar88 11 months ago [hidden] probably the artist's gf cheated on him with an Aryan Chilean, it can be very possible since there are many Chilean men bleaching Ameriews woman. -6 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
MoonMansDad 2 months ago [hidden] 14Templar88 said:probably the artist's gf cheated on him with an Aryan Chilean, it can be very possible since there are many Chilean men bleaching Ameriews woman.Ngl, there are plenty of Jews here if you want you can grab and bleach them. 1 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
Shotaboynk 13 days ago [hidden] The south of Chile has cities full of Germans, such as Frutillar, or regions such as "los lagos". Chile and argentina are the most Aryan countries in LATAM -1 Reply Copy ID Copy Link