If I was a cop I would let any white man use my cuffs on me and rape me~ and I'd ofcourse let them go free~ And if any of them wanna drag me back to their place and keep me cuffed up and as their slave I would not object~
Chinks will do anything for a white cock. If he was a typical asian loser, he'd be in jail. If he was a nigger, he wouldn't have even made it into the car lol
It is normal for the public to think that the police have arrested the robber, but when we find out that the robber is a white man, we will not arrest her, we will protect the robber from the city and offer him some services as an Asian bitch.After a massacre and robbery of Asian banks, I thought the noble White God needed to vent his anger~
This is how I'd treat every racist white criminal after helping them destroy evidence and get away~ Especially murderers! Nothing hotter than finding a guy with a swastika tattoo standing over a nigger's corpse and know that he's going to kill again after this~ <3
You wouldn't be able to stop me~ I mean, we know every cop is corrupt, so, why not have some fun while we can, I'm not asking for bribes, I'm just asking for big white cocks~
Any white criminal can just go with no issues, just a small warning, and my number of course