If I got something like this from someone like HER! I am signing RIGHT AWAY! Some people find desperation to be unattractive but I THINK those ppl r FOOLISH because desperation like this shouldn’t be seen as a nuisance but a form of worship. And let me just say I would love to “anoint someone like her while she is kneeling at my alter.😏🤭 And she wouldn’t even have to do any manual labor either, other than chopping wood topless while me and her gf watch.👀 I would just let her have my body and purify her and her gf’s bloodline as she so desperately desires 🥰
When a negress knows her place and shouts it out loud to the world it brings me as a White Man IRL with a hate crime charge on my record serious unending joy. It’s like a flag the turns on an inner beast inside me to go fight for my race and conquer negress ass. Feels good man.