Society has degraded since inferiors got the vote.
But Aristotle talked about it ..... Well, that's right, fuck him, because the ideas of this ancient Greek are DEFINITELY OUTDATED in the modern world and they definitely CANNOT BE ADAPTED to modern realities :)
what did aristotle say? im really interested in learning more about this
Basically, many of the Ancient Greek Philosophers, notably Socrates, (who was put to death for this opinion) disagreed vocally with the Athenian government, which was structured as a pure 1 man-1 vote democracy. Socrates thought this was a bad form of government because it was no different than mob rule, where the educated and enlightened had no more say in the government than the most slovenly peasant. And if the majority were to become comprised of ethnic groups that were hostile to the interests of the native population, then the natives would have no recourse. We see this playing out today, which is why democracy and multi-ethnic societies don't mix well. When one group feels disaffected, if it constitutes a large enough demographic, it can vote money (AKA legalized stealing) from another group in the form of taxes and welfare.
All i want in life is a sweet racist white gf that would rant how much she wants to ethnically cleanse Europe, how much she wants to kill and deport all the nigers ,mudslims and rest of shitskins from our ancestral homes and purify Europa so our future children can be safe and happy <3 I would look at her with puppy eyes full in love during her racist rants and just hug and kiss her passionately <3
We would breed passionately and romantically to bring lots of strong beautiful white kids and save our civilisations,culture, our precious mother nature ,save our ancestral home. A big loving strong wholesome racist white family <3