CreamPie 6 months ago [hidden] How all dark-skinned exotic beauties should approach White men. 3 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
Horde 6 months ago [hidden] Is it weird that I'd love Ana as a domme? Tying me up and forcing me to give her and Pharah babies because I'd love that 0 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
hisyoricalroute66 6 months ago [hidden] Horde said:Is it weird that I'd love Ana as a domme? Tying me up and forcing me to give her and Pharah babies because I'd love thatNot just white worship, but "foolish white peacekeeper throwing white pearls before savage sow?" Or continuing that funny tradition (or historical trend) of Ottoman nobles turning white over time? "You will uplift our noble bloodline~" 2 Reply Copy ID Copy Link