Russians have a lot of experience fucking Asian girls. Starting from their history, the glorious Russian Vikings fucked Sami pussy. Then they fucked Finnish pussy. Then they invaded Eastern Europe and fucked Karelian pussy, Chuvash pussy and Khazar pussy. Afterwards Russians did a Manifest Destiny and colonised Siberia, fucking Tatar pussy, Tungasic pussy, Mongol pussy and Manchu pussy. Russians even colonised Alaska and fucked Native American pussy.
Never forget that is was due to the Soviets that Japan surrendered in WW2. Russians had so much experience that the best Asian pussy of all - Japanese pussy - was cumming uncontrollable by the thrusts of a Russian Viking cock. Uraaaaaaa!!
Russians have a lot of experience fucking Asian girls. Starting from their history, the glorious Russian Vikings fucked Sami pussy. Then they fucked Finnish pussy. Then they invaded Eastern Europe and fucked Karelian pussy, Chuvash pussy and Khazar pussy. Afterwards Russians did a Manifest Destiny and colonised Siberia, fucking Tatar pussy, Tungasic pussy, Mongol pussy and Manchu pussy. Russians even colonised Alaska and fucked Native American pussy.
Never forget that is was due to the Soviets that Japan surrendered in WW2. Russians had so much experience that the best Asian pussy of all - Japanese pussy - was cumming uncontrollable by the thrusts of a Russian Viking cock. Uraaaaaaa!!
The "Russian Vikings" were rulers of the Kievan-Rus, not Russia. Those nobles were influenced by the Cumans, as evidenced by their haircuts and metal face masks. These Vikings were Swedish, not Russian, and came from the Ros Clan. Today, there is a monument in Sweden to commemorate this clan and its voyage to the East. Stalin tried desperately to erase the Viking colonisation of the Kievan-Rus, but his propagated theory is absolute nonsense. Russian culture was heavily influenced by the Mongols. While Western and Central Europe developed some sense of enlightened despotism, the Russians still made their castles out of wood so they could burn them down if anyone invaded. That was a strategy they learned from the Mongols. Ironically, Ukrainians and Belarusians have more in common with their Kievan-Rus ancestors than the Russians, despite the latter claiming they're the only descendants of that empire. But, neither of them are Vikings anymore. Also, Japan surrendered because it got two auxiliary suns dropped on it, not because some horde of expendable meat attacked its colonies. Japanese women came more on American and British coloniser cock than they ever did on Russian. Nice fantasy, though, you should try touching some grass instead.
The "Russian Vikings" were rulers of the Kievan-Rus, not Russia. Those nobles were influenced by the Cumans, as evidenced by their haircuts and metal face masks. These Vikings were Swedish, not Russian, and came from the Ros Clan. Today, there is a monument in Sweden to commemorate this clan and its voyage to the East. Stalin tried desperately to erase the Viking colonisation of the Kievan-Rus, but his propagated theory is absolute nonsense. Russian culture was heavily influenced by the Mongols. While Western and Central Europe developed some sense of enlightened despotism, the Russians still made their castles out of wood so they could burn them down if anyone invaded. That was a strategy they learned from the Mongols. Ironically, Ukrainians and Belarusians have more in common with their Kievan-Rus ancestors than the Russians, despite the latter claiming they're the only descendants of that empire. But, neither of them are Vikings anymore. Also, Japan surrendered because it got two auxiliary suns dropped on it, not because some horde of expendable meat attacked its colonies. Japanese women came more on American and British coloniser cock than they ever did on Russian. Nice fantasy, though, you should try touching some grass instead.
Nope Japan surrendered to the Soviets not Americans,to%20hostilities%20on%20conditional%20terms. Russians are proud Nordic Viking warriors from Sweden. Russians are the original white nationalists and Third Rome. Russian culture is a mix of Nordic Scandinavian and Slavo-Hellenic culture. The fact is Russians are the original Aryans that is why Hitler wanted Russia because he wanted Germany to become the new Russia since he believed Asians like Lenin who was Chuvash and Jewish Asians like Khazars took over. Russian monarchs were German and millions of Russians were pure German like the Volga Germans. Ukrainians come from Ashkenazi who are French converts to Judaism who mixed with Khazars who are Turkic converts to Judaism that is why Yiddish was the official language of Ukraine once. Ukraine is Khazarstan and RUSSIA IS VIKINGRAD URAAAAAA!!!
Nope Japan surrendered to the Soviets not Americans,to%20hostilities%20on%20conditional%20terms. Russians are proud Nordic Viking warriors from Sweden. Russians are the original white nationalists and Third Rome. Russian culture is a mix of Nordic Scandinavian and Slavo-Hellenic culture. The fact is Russians are the original Aryans that is why Hitler wanted Russia because he wanted Germany to become the new Russia since he believed Asians like Lenin who was Chuvash and Jewish Asians like Khazars took over. Russian monarchs were German and millions of Russians were pure German like the Volga Germans. Ukrainians come from Ashkenazi who are French converts to Judaism who mixed with Khazars who are Turkic converts to Judaism that is why Yiddish was the official language of Ukraine once. Ukraine is Khazarstan and RUSSIA IS VIKINGRAD URAAAAAA!!!
Nope Japan surrendered to the Soviets not Americans,to%20hostilities%20on%20conditional%20terms. Russians are proud Nordic Viking warriors from Sweden. Russians are the original white nationalists and Third Rome. Russian culture is a mix of Nordic Scandinavian and Slavo-Hellenic culture. The fact is Russians are the original Aryans that is why Hitler wanted Russia because he wanted Germany to become the new Russia since he believed Asians like Lenin who was Chuvash and Jewish Asians like Khazars took over. Russian monarchs were German and millions of Russians were pure German like the Volga Germans. Ukrainians come from Ashkenazi who are French converts to Judaism who mixed with Khazars who are Turkic converts to Judaism that is why Yiddish was the official language of Ukraine once. Ukraine is Khazarstan and RUSSIA IS VIKINGRAD URAAAAAA!!!
Nope Japan surrendered to the Soviets not Americans,to%20hostilities%20on%20conditional%20terms. Russians are proud Nordic Viking warriors from Sweden. Russians are the original white nationalists and Third Rome. Russian culture is a mix of Nordic Scandinavian and Slavo-Hellenic culture. The fact is Russians are the original Aryans that is why Hitler wanted Russia because he wanted Germany to become the new Russia since he believed Asians like Lenin who was Chuvash and Jewish Asians like Khazars took over. Russian monarchs were German and millions of Russians were pure German like the Volga Germans. Ukrainians come from Ashkenazi who are French converts to Judaism who mixed with Khazars who are Turkic converts to Judaism that is why Yiddish was the official language of Ukraine once. Ukraine is Khazarstan and RUSSIA IS VIKINGRAD URAAAAAA!!!
I thought the Putin-Tucker interview had the worst Russian revisionist history I've ever seen. Clearly I was wrong.
Please make like your "Nordic" comrades in Ukraine and kill yourself.
Nope Japan surrendered to the Soviets not Americans,to%20hostilities%20on%20conditional%20terms. Russians are proud Nordic Viking warriors from Sweden. Russians are the original white nationalists and Third Rome. Russian culture is a mix of Nordic Scandinavian and Slavo-Hellenic culture. The fact is Russians are the original Aryans that is why Hitler wanted Russia because he wanted Germany to become the new Russia since he believed Asians like Lenin who was Chuvash and Jewish Asians like Khazars took over. Russian monarchs were German and millions of Russians were pure German like the Volga Germans. Ukrainians come from Ashkenazi who are French converts to Judaism who mixed with Khazars who are Turkic converts to Judaism that is why Yiddish was the official language of Ukraine once. Ukraine is Khazarstan and RUSSIA IS VIKINGRAD URAAAAAA!!!
Damn, I came here to fap and fuck, not have propaganda pushed down my throat
None of this would happen if tank just jerked off and fucked off instead of blasting this post with propaganda
Propaganda? Oh no, no, as for me, this is the nonsense of a mentally ill person, so desperate to prove his position on a small website. As for me, he should just be blocked on the site, as far as I understand, his schizophrenic delirium suggests one of the prohibitions
Propaganda? Oh no, no, as for me, this is the nonsense of a mentally ill person, so desperate to prove his position on a small website. As for me, he should just be blocked on the site, as far as I understand, his schizophrenic delirium suggests one of the prohibitions
Your arrogance will be your ultimate undoing. You will rue this day!
Your arrogance will be your ultimate undoing. You will rue this day!
Man, you're really writing some kind of nonsense comparable in volume to "War and Peace". Be more restrained, even though we are on the Internet, but no matter how it is also a kind of public space, so be kind to observe the rules of decency, yes, there are more radical people here and you can express a lot, but everything has its limits
The "Russian Vikings" were rulers of the Kievan-Rus, not Russia. Those nobles were influenced by the Cumans, as evidenced by their haircuts and metal face masks. These Vikings were Swedish, not Russian, and came from the Ros Clan. Today, there is a monument in Sweden to commemorate this clan and its voyage to the East. Stalin tried desperately to erase the Viking colonisation of the Kievan-Rus, but his propagated theory is absolute nonsense. Russian culture was heavily influenced by the Mongols. While Western and Central Europe developed some sense of enlightened despotism, the Russians still made their castles out of wood so they could burn them down if anyone invaded. That was a strategy they learned from the Mongols. Ironically, Ukrainians and Belarusians have more in common with their Kievan-Rus ancestors than the Russians, despite the latter claiming they're the only descendants of that empire. But, neither of them are Vikings anymore. Also, Japan surrendered because it got two auxiliary suns dropped on it, not because some horde of expendable meat attacked its colonies. Japanese women came more on American and British coloniser cock than they ever did on Russian. Nice fantasy, though, you should try touching some grass instead.
I had to create an account after seeing this, it’s as accurate as that other guy spazzing out. I agree that Russian culture did not descend from the Kievan Rus, no matter how much they claim it. But they also did not descend from the Mongols at all. It was the Grand Duchy of Moscow that created a definitive Russian culture after it unified the rest of Russia. While it may have started out paying tribute to the Golden Horde, their culture was not from them, but was a mix of Slavic and Byzantine cultures. The Mongols themselves never really spread any culture, because as a nomadic empire, it just wasn’t something they could do, the Mongols mainly extracted tribute and occasionally intervened here and there. They actually encouraged the trade between the Novgorod Republic and the Hanseatic League. As for wooden castles, no, the Russians built both stone and wooden, but primarily wooden because wood was extremely cheap and always abundant, not because they could burn it down later. As for the Japan thing, I agree it was mostly the bombs, but the Soviets did have an impact, the bombs pacified the civilian population, but the army still wanted to keep fighting. The army was always promised they would never have to fight the Soviets, but when the Soviets invaded, the army became pacified as well. On a final note, I agree the Japanese don’t come on Russian cock, the Russians did not try to expand there, they were preoccupied already with the Central Asians coming on their cocks.
Central Asians are the sisters of Japan. They love gay white meaty Russian cock!
No they aren’t, Central Asiatics are Turkic Mongol peoples with the exception of the Tajiks who are Persian. Also, Gay Russians? Few and far between, much less with women.
I didn’t even finish reading 33% of the chat to understand that everyone here seems to have problems with their heads. Are Russians Vikings? Don't think. Yes, they carried out raids; just remember Constantinople, where the soldiers hung a shield as a sign of victory. Only, unlike the Vikings, this raid was not for plunder, but for profitable trade. The Viking method, and the goal is like an ordinary European medieval country. The Russian Empire was an integral part of European politics for centuries, and Russians became “Asian barbarians” only as a result of Western propaganda during the Soviet era. And although I don’t like communism, there are many reasons for this, but at least they were able to industrialize the country, which is why for too conservative policies and vast territories, which made the country extremely inflexible in terms of internal governance, it would probably have industrialized itself by the end of the 50s. And yes, regarding the “communist waves of meat” - I’m afraid to offend the sissy Nazis of this site, but by the end of the Second World War, the USSR army simply tore apart the German and Japanese armies like insignificant beetles. The problem was not that “meat assaults” are in the Russians’ blood, after all, all the armies of the world were “a pile of meat” right up to the First World War, but that due to Stalin’s insane political purges, the USSR army lacked normal officers, as well as equipment. Both problems had already been resolved by the end of the war. Yes, I still don’t like the USSR, but let’s try to judge adequately (even though it’s hard for the average inhabitant of this site) - Russians, like all Slavs in general, are an integral political, historical and cultural part of Europe. You can smear yourself with propaganda all you want, but it won’t change the truth. By the way, some guy suggested to another to “touch the grass” - I want to give this advice to everyone. I'm no exception. I'll go and touch it. Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes - I just used a translator. I’ll pretend that I’m ashamed if there are mistakes.
I didn’t even finish reading 33% of the chat to understand that everyone here seems to have problems with their heads. Are Russians Vikings? Don't think. Yes, they carried out raids; just remember Constantinople, where the soldiers hung a shield as a sign of victory. Only, unlike the Vikings, this raid was not for plunder, but for profitable trade. The Viking method, and the goal is like an ordinary European medieval country. The Russian Empire was an integral part of European politics for centuries, and Russians became “Asian barbarians” only as a result of Western propaganda during the Soviet era. And although I don’t like communism, there are many reasons for this, but at least they were able to industrialize the country, which is why for too conservative policies and vast territories, which made the country extremely inflexible in terms of internal governance, it would probably have industrialized itself by the end of the 50s. And yes, regarding the “communist waves of meat” - I’m afraid to offend the sissy Nazis of this site, but by the end of the Second World War, the USSR army simply tore apart the German and Japanese armies like insignificant beetles. The problem was not that “meat assaults” are in the Russians’ blood, after all, all the armies of the world were “a pile of meat” right up to the First World War, but that due to Stalin’s insane political purges, the USSR army lacked normal officers, as well as equipment. Both problems had already been resolved by the end of the war. Yes, I still don’t like the USSR, but let’s try to judge adequately (even though it’s hard for the average inhabitant of this site) - Russians, like all Slavs in general, are an integral political, historical and cultural part of Europe. You can smear yourself with propaganda all you want, but it won’t change the truth. By the way, some guy suggested to another to “touch the grass” - I want to give this advice to everyone. I'm no exception. I'll go and touch it. Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes - I just used a translator. I’ll pretend that I’m ashamed if there are mistakes.
"Tank Dempsey" is of course an ultra-patriot, but he causes fierce shame. Just wanted to add to my comment.
I didn’t even finish reading 33% of the chat to understand that everyone here seems to have problems with their heads. Are Russians Vikings? Don't think. Yes, they carried out raids; just remember Constantinople, where the soldiers hung a shield as a sign of victory. Only, unlike the Vikings, this raid was not for plunder, but for profitable trade. The Viking method, and the goal is like an ordinary European medieval country. The Russian Empire was an integral part of European politics for centuries, and Russians became “Asian barbarians” only as a result of Western propaganda during the Soviet era. And although I don’t like communism, there are many reasons for this, but at least they were able to industrialize the country, which is why for too conservative policies and vast territories, which made the country extremely inflexible in terms of internal governance, it would probably have industrialized itself by the end of the 50s. And yes, regarding the “communist waves of meat” - I’m afraid to offend the sissy Nazis of this site, but by the end of the Second World War, the USSR army simply tore apart the German and Japanese armies like insignificant beetles. The problem was not that “meat assaults” are in the Russians’ blood, after all, all the armies of the world were “a pile of meat” right up to the First World War, but that due to Stalin’s insane political purges, the USSR army lacked normal officers, as well as equipment. Both problems had already been resolved by the end of the war. Yes, I still don’t like the USSR, but let’s try to judge adequately (even though it’s hard for the average inhabitant of this site) - Russians, like all Slavs in general, are an integral political, historical and cultural part of Europe. You can smear yourself with propaganda all you want, but it won’t change the truth. By the way, some guy suggested to another to “touch the grass” - I want to give this advice to everyone. I'm no exception. I'll go and touch it. Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes - I just used a translator. I’ll pretend that I’m ashamed if there are mistakes.
I'm 100% with you, and I myself do my fair share of shedding true light on the European origins and beginnings of the Slavs and Russians in particular, whilst acknowledging their Marxist failings/realities but Dempsey is just cringe and extremely inaccurate about it. He's almost like a real life strawman with the way he just spews nonsense non-stop and makes the actual reality of the situation become more muddled than is needed. Giving more fuel to those who already despise slavs due to western (((propaganda)))
Fact is, Russians are white and Europeans, they have Scandinavian origins, their empire and culture is an integral part of European canon, and anyone who calls it revisionist history to insinuate otherwise is similarly as retarded as the types who glorify a fake headcanon of what they wish Russia was like Tank Dempsey.
No they aren’t, Central Asiatics are Turkic Mongol peoples with the exception of the Tajiks who are Persian. Also, Gay Russians? Few and far between, much less with women.
Brother you are a true Russian white nationalist with a huge Viking cock fucking all the Asian pussy in Siberia and Karelia. Now you are fucking Jewish pussy in Ukraine and soon hopefully you will liberate Europe and fuck all the liberal pussy
I'm 100% with you, and I myself do my fair share of shedding true light on the European origins and beginnings of the Slavs and Russians in particular, whilst acknowledging their Marxist failings/realities but Dempsey is just cringe and extremely inaccurate about it. He's almost like a real life strawman with the way he just spews nonsense non-stop and makes the actual reality of the situation become more muddled than is needed. Giving more fuel to those who already despise slavs due to western (((propaganda)))
Fact is, Russians are white and Europeans, they have Scandinavian origins, their empire and culture is an integral part of European canon, and anyone who calls it revisionist history to insinuate otherwise is similarly as retarded as the types who glorify a fake headcanon of what they wish Russia was like Tank Dempsey.
My big white cock is simply hungry for inferior pussy. I will join the Russian army to fuck Jewish Ukrainian pussy and Asian Siberian pussy and I will join Wagner to fuck ebony African pussy and angelic Arab pussy. All pussy belongs to the Russian Aryan Empire
I'm 100% with you, and I myself do my fair share of shedding true light on the European origins and beginnings of the Slavs and Russians in particular, whilst acknowledging their Marxist failings/realities but Dempsey is just cringe and extremely inaccurate about it. He's almost like a real life strawman with the way he just spews nonsense non-stop and makes the actual reality of the situation become more muddled than is needed. Giving more fuel to those who already despise slavs due to western (((propaganda)))
Fact is, Russians are white and Europeans, they have Scandinavian origins, their empire and culture is an integral part of European canon, and anyone who calls it revisionist history to insinuate otherwise is similarly as retarded as the types who glorify a fake headcanon of what they wish Russia was like Tank Dempsey.
I'm glad to see adequate people. To be honest, I appreciate this site not entirely because I am a Nazi or consider myself an Aryan. And I'm sitting here because Rule 34 is just stained in stupid blacks, which I can’t stand. I would rather happily agree to be a Nazi than "enjoy" art with black monkeys... I'll be glad to see the development of this site.
I'm glad to see adequate people. To be honest, I appreciate this site not entirely because I am a Nazi or consider myself an Aryan. And I'm sitting here because Rule 34 is just stained in stupid blacks, which I can’t stand. I would rather happily agree to be a Nazi than "enjoy" art with black monkeys... I'll be glad to see the development of this site.
Yes.... The funny thing is that fascists and Nazis on this site are much more adequate than their opposite on Rule34. Oh, ahem, ahem... I wish there were more adequate people like you :)
Not even close. Turkic peoples started out in the lands stretching from Siberia to Kazakhstan and were in contact with Iranic peoples, Mongolic Peoples, and the Uralic peoples that would become Hungarians, Estonians, and Fins. They were also in contact with the Chinese because they raided them, that’s why they built the Great Wall China even after the problem was long gone. The Japanese were never in contact with them as they were isolated on the island after the natural land bridge was cut. The mere existence of China which provided a buffer between Turks and Japs disproves you.
My big white cock is simply hungry for inferior pussy. I will join the Russian army to fuck Jewish Ukrainian pussy and Asian Siberian pussy and I will join Wagner to fuck ebony African pussy and angelic Arab pussy. All pussy belongs to the Russian Aryan Empire
Please do not join the special military operation, you will make the guys look bad, if you do join, hopefully it’s a Storm V detachment
Tucker has a big white cock we white nationalists and antisemites will breed all pussy in this world and make it a whiter place. Putin is Der Führer!
Lmao enjoy your 1 month ban you fucking loser. Go back to your Russian telegram channels and keep coping about how you’re totally winning the war in Ukraine.
And here i thought the most annoying people here would be those fuckers from blacked.
Is this "Tank Dempsey" annoying you more? As for me, he is a dreamer, of which there are many on this site. Yes, in some respects he goes too far, which is really annoying, but I think that even he doesn’t live up to the bastards who praise blacks, Arabs or Asians
I had to create an account after seeing this, it’s as accurate as that other guy spazzing out. I agree that Russian culture did not descend from the Kievan Rus, no matter how much they claim it. But they also did not descend from the Mongols at all. It was the Grand Duchy of Moscow that created a definitive Russian culture after it unified the rest of Russia. While it may have started out paying tribute to the Golden Horde, their culture was not from them, but was a mix of Slavic and Byzantine cultures. The Mongols themselves never really spread any culture, because as a nomadic empire, it just wasn’t something they could do, the Mongols mainly extracted tribute and occasionally intervened here and there. They actually encouraged the trade between the Novgorod Republic and the Hanseatic League. As for wooden castles, no, the Russians built both stone and wooden, but primarily wooden because wood was extremely cheap and always abundant, not because they could burn it down later. As for the Japan thing, I agree it was mostly the bombs, but the Soviets did have an impact, the bombs pacified the civilian population, but the army still wanted to keep fighting. The army was always promised they would never have to fight the Soviets, but when the Soviets invaded, the army became pacified as well. On a final note, I agree the Japanese don’t come on Russian cock, the Russians did not try to expand there, they were preoccupied already with the Central Asians coming on their cocks.
What a funny "trying to be polite" ruSSian bullshit.) ruSSian culture was shaped with Tamerlan and his power and islam as example of despotism.) Rather, it all started after the trip to Moscow. ) Russians are always engaged in cargo-cult, that is why they destroyed the culture they had and introduced despotism, but left the current religion because in Orthodoxy it is the ministry of the soul, not religion.)
Russians have a lot of experience fucking Asian girls. Starting from their history, the glorious Russian Vikings fucked Sami pussy. Then they fucked Finnish pussy. Then they invaded Eastern Europe and fucked Karelian pussy, Chuvash pussy and Khazar pussy. Afterwards Russians did a Manifest Destiny and colonised Siberia, fucking Tatar pussy, Tungasic pussy, Mongol pussy and Manchu pussy. Russians even colonised Alaska and fucked Native American pussy.
Never forget that is was due to the Soviets that Japan surrendered in WW2. Russians had so much experience that the best Asian pussy of all - Japanese pussy - was cumming uncontrollable by the thrusts of a Russian Viking cock. Uraaaaaaa!!
Vikings, like Ukrainians, rarely mixed with Russians. The reason is simple - a person does not consider a slave his equal. These American visions of slavery, where you yourself can increase the number of your slaves, existed only in the USA, and then in the Russian Empire on the territory of modern Russia as an example of bad influence.
But Ukrainians and Vikings easily mixed with other nations and races. For example, the Eastern part of modern Russia is slightly more than completely inhabited by Ukrainians. And only Ukrainians mixed with the local Asian population. Do you know why? Because we did not and do not consider you as equals and people. And they are equal for us.
Russians are still racist. They only mix with "whites". If you see a citizen of Russia with a girl of another race, you can be sure that he is anyone, but not ethnically Russian.
I thought the Putin-Tucker interview had the worst Russian revisionist history I've ever seen. Clearly I was wrong.
Please make like your "Nordic" comrades in Ukraine and kill yourself.
Dude literally told you the truth lol, you didn't end the war by dropping nukes! You dropped them because bringing them all the way home was too risky, even heard of the Indianapollis? Ship that carried Little Boy and was sunk afterwards? Do you even know history? Next it'll be America beat nazi Germany excuse me which flag flew above the Reichstag again?
Want another good laugh everyone? If America actually bothered to have oh I dunno SECURITY with the Manhatten Project? Then scientists who were sympathetic to the Soviet Union? WOULD NEVER HAVE TOLD THEM HOW TO MAKE NUKES! Yes thanks to America by the early 50s? They had nukes too, jeez you couldn't have I dunno stopped people and checked them so the world wouldn't be plunged into almost total nuclear annihilation TWICE! And also for to my knowledge your nuclear launch codes were literally 00000000. Are you serious? 8 zeros? I hope there's an alternative time line where the British empire never fell, because it's probably paradise by comparison
Dude literally told you the truth lol, you didn't end the war by dropping nukes! You dropped them because bringing them all the way home was too risky, even heard of the Indianapollis? Ship that carried Little Boy and was sunk afterwards? Do you even know history? Next it'll be America beat nazi Germany excuse me which flag flew above the Reichstag again?
It's funny to even read that. You are a Russian slave and a loser. Do you think we care about your lies? You are pathetic. You always have been and always will be.