Not just white worship, but "foolish white peacekeeper throwing white pearls before savage sow?"
Or continuing that funny tradition (or historical trend) of Ottoman nobles turning white over time? "You will uplift our noble bloodline~"
They technically stopped being Ottomans and became Europeans after that. They were about continuing Muslim civilisation not Ottoman civilisation, they needed to become Europeans and stop being Asians because we are the superior race.
They technically stopped being Ottomans and became Europeans after that. They were about continuing Muslim civilisation not Ottoman civilisation, they needed to become Europeans and stop being Asians because we are the superior race.
The last sentence is not true at least once historically. in 1220s to 1240s, Mongol invaded Europe and inflict devastating blow to the Europe land, culture and economy. Granted, the Mongol did evantually retreat but it's amazing how one country just send a big blow to a whole continent that's considered superior.