the guy kinda looks like me, I like in art when the guy in question has a little bit of 'character' too (such as unique hair, facial features, etc simple shit) and not just a faceless often bald 'grey toned' caricature of men.
It depends! As you may know, the superior white man/woman land of the US have a thing they created that is call "Social Security". And because of that and inflation, People are having less white babies and white man/woman are living longer and older because they're superior and are the best. But that also mean that the fund in Social Security is being spend at a loss, because too many white people are retiring, and it'll be even worse in the future. And here's where it get complicated. Superior white people migrate this problem by letting the inferior slave colored worker work the economy so they the white people can retire earlier and live off of the colored people, but the current administation is blocking that inferior people from working for the superior white people. So we have this situation where only white superior people live in the white superior land of the US, and we either need to make society and live good by making white people work more long hour, or we make more white babies like you said. How is it good in your case? Gen-Z are desperate for jobs, and that can lead to an influx of production and workforce. Children came with Social Security, so that's a big flow of money into the other superior white man and woman. How is it bad in your case? The current way of living for all of us is unfortunately non sustainable. We are already going through flood and fires. And more people working mean more harm to the place we're living in. Based on the "Seventy-third Session, High-level Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Development (AM & PM)" report by the UN, both superior white man/woman and inferior colored people will suffer from a permanent effect of a climate that'll lead to worse and worse life. ... So, make more white babies? Sure, but maybe keep in mind of that.