The Eldians are jew-coded. (Annie even has the jewish nose lol) AoT is an allegory for WW2 leading into WW3, where the Eldians are the jew stand-ins and happen to be genetically tied into the story's nuke stand-ins.
The Eldians are jew-coded. (Annie even has the jewish nose lol) AoT is an allegory for WW2 leading into WW3, where the Eldians are the jew stand-ins and happen to be genetically tied into the story's nuke stand-ins.
Allegories are lame and gay, like Kathleen Kennedy.
The Eldians are jew-coded. (Annie even has the jewish nose lol) AoT is an allegory for WW2 leading into WW3, where the Eldians are the jew stand-ins and happen to be genetically tied into the story's nuke stand-ins.
To be fair I'm not familiar with the source material. I noticed the nose but I assumed that was just a quirk of the art style.
To be fair I'm not familiar with the source material. I noticed the nose but I assumed that was just a quirk of the art style.
they could be an allegory for whites or for jews. the whole story is that the Eldians once dominated the entire world, but the less powerful races rose up and overthew them, and now their descendants are being punished for the crimes of their ancestors. so its up for debate